Campus Location

Abilene Campus

Date of Award

Spring 5-11-2019

Document Type



Teacher Education

Degree Name

Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

First Advisor

Dr. Jill Scott

Second Advisor

Dr. Andrew Huddleston


This study addressed classroom meetings in order to teach social skills and address specific behavior issues. The author was completing a yearlong clinical teaching placement in a kindergarten classroom. The goal of her study was to observe what happens when class meetings are implemented to teach specific problem-areas in the classroom. In the study data was gathered through observations, student surveys, sociograms, and student interviews. The students participated in a class meeting twice a week for about thirty minutes. During the class meetings needed social skills were taught through play and role-playing activities and discussions were had to cooperatively solve specific behavior issues that happened in the classroom. Utilizing the constant comparative method the author analyzed data for major themes, which led to a better understanding of friendships, classroom meetings, difficulties encountered with kindergarten students, and insight into her students’ perceptions and understandings of school, relationships, values, and class meetings.

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