Campus Location

Abilene Campus

Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type



Teacher Education

Degree Name

Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

First Advisor

Kim Hardin

Second Advisor

Andrew Huddleston


Gross-motor movements have shown promising effects on student academic achievement and engagement especially in kindergarten classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine what happens when movement-based mathematical activities are introduced into a kindergarten math curriculum and its implications on how kindergarteners engage during math time. Using surveys, observational and reflective data, and semi-structured interviews of students and my cooperating teacher, this study aimed to examine student and teacher perceptions of incorporating movement-activities. When movement activities were introduced into math time, the students were more engaged in math. The movement activities served as form of play-based learning and relied on thorough planning and preparation. Through the constant-comparative method, I generated 12 level 1 and three level 2 codes from key themes and analyzed descriptive statistics for numerical data from my surveys. This study also strived to understand teachers’ feelings about incorporating movement-based activities into their regular math lessons.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
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