

Article Title

Mission: Vol. 18, No. 2



Mission: Vol. 18, No. 2. The articles in this issue include: "From a messy desk..." from the Editor, "Art and the Spiritual Quest" by J. McDonald Williams, "Books: Building a Religious Library: Eighth in a Series: Religion and Literature" by Nancy Myers, "The Planting in the Soil/Soul" by Anthea Lahr, "My Twenty-Four Minutes or His?" by Elmer Prout, "Another Look at the Secret Disciples" by Patricia Lewis Albritten, "Conversion and Human Need: Luke's Theology of Entering the Kingdom" by Larry James, "A Communication Meditation" by Victor L. Hunter, "Lesson Plans from the Hidden Curriculum: A Case Study" by Michael Gose, "The Rock in the Hard Place" by George Ewing, "A Few Observations, Personal and Historical, on the June 22-24 Meetings in Nashville," and "Forum."



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