

Article Title

Mission: Vol. 15, No. 10



Mission: Vol. 15, No. 10. The articles in this issue include: "Some Questions of Justice" from the Editor, "The Rich Young Ruler Revisited: Justice for the Poor" by Daniel M. Keeran, "World Hunger: What can I do? " by Bonnie Jorgenson, "Abortion: Justice for the Unborn?" by Quinton Dickerson, M. D., "Justice for the Old: The Saga of Houston's Central Church of Christ" by Louis Moore, "With Liberty and Justice for None: The Middle East Dilemma" by Burton B. Thurston, "Bread for the World Sets Five-Year Vision," "Words: An Easter Reflection" by Georges P. Carillet, "Reflections on the Supper" by Elmer Prout, "The Gift of God" by George Carr, "Books" by Robert Hodgson, "Books that Shaped the Church" by Everett Ferguson, and "Forum."



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