

Article Title

Mission: Vol. 16, No. 1



Mission: Vol. 16, No. 1. The articles in this issue include: "Mission: A Place, a Paper, A Movement," "Introducing Our New Editor" by Dwaine Evans, "Farewell, Etc." by Richard Hughes, "From Past to Future: An Ongoing Enterprise" by Bobbie Lee Holley, "The Journey--The Mission" from the Editor, "Crisis in Guatemala" by Ellie Evans, Roger McCown, Robert Clark, and Marie Agee, "Getting On With It" by Lynn Mitchell, "Books that Shaped the Church" by Everett Ferguson, "Concerns of the 1980's: Global, National, Ecclesial, Personal," "Global Issues for the '80s...if we live so long" by Roy Bowen Ward, "Finding Meaning in an Age of Despair" by Richard T. Hughes, "The Church in the '80s: Does anybody have what we have?" by Ron Durham, "Shall Death Prevail?" by Victor L. Hunter, and "The Task of Mission."



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