

Article Title

Mission: Vol. 16, No. 3



Mission: Vol. 16, No. 3. The articles in this issue include: "Jesus Christ & Atari Boy" by John Shelton Lawrence, "Where is the Meaning?" by Nancy Myers, "A Baptism" by Ms. M., "A Report: The Annual Meeting of the Mission Board of Trustees The Annual Readers' Seminar" by Lynn Mitchell, "Reminders" by Henry Goodspeed, "A Realistic Perspective: Possible Problems and Critical Choices for Aged Christians and Their Families" by Nancy Mitchum Lindsey, "Did Jonah Die?" by Gary Snavely, "When Nonsense came into Vogue" by Dale Brown, "Person to Person" from the Editor, "Books that Shaped the Church" by Everett Ferguson, and "Forum."



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