

Article Title

Mission: Vol. 20, No. 10



Mission: Vol. 20, No. 10. The articles in this issue include: "'And so farewell...'" from the Editor, "A Reflection on the Life of Ray F. Chester (Eulogy)" by Victor L. Hunter, "The Lamb of God (hymn)" by George Ewing, "Words: An Easter Reflection (Poem)" by Georges P. Carillet, "A Resurrection Day Prayer" by Charles Boatman, "In the Garden (Fiction)" by David Henderson, "A Bittersweet Brokenness (Communion Meditation)" by Wilma C. Buckner, "The Beatitudes: Are They For Us? Part III" by Bill Love, "Surrender Beyond the Rules" by Larry M. James, and "Grandmother and the Hobos" by Richard J. Richardson. A WORD FOR OUR TIMES: "Reflections on Terrorism" by Ben B. Boothe, "Innocence Lost" by John Smith, and "Forever in Diapers?" by Diana Caillouet. BOOKS: Reviewed by Bruce L. Edwards: "Christianity: The True Humanism (Thomas Howard and J. I. Packer)," and "Handbook of Life in Bible Times (J. A. Thompson). "Offerings and Letters."



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