



Mission: Vol. 20, Nos. 6 and 7. The articles in this issue include: "Herod's Swords" from the Editor, "Merry Christmas" by Bill Jenkins, "Unto Us a Child" by Jay Treat, "The Face of Ministry: The Surprised, Surprising Christ" by Elmer Prout, "The Bethlehem Experience" by Robert W. Shaw, "Welcome to Bethlehem Ephratha: Excerpt from 'The Bethlehem Experience,'" and "A 20th Anniversary Reflection: The Sound and the Fury" by Victor L. Hunter. A WORD FOR OUR TIMES: "Getting Ready for Christmas" by David A. Sampson, "Getting to the Root of Pornography" by Bill Love, "'Unto the least of these....'" by Nita Newman Short, and "That's Incredible!" by Diana Caillouet. BOOKS: "The Human Church in the Presence of Christ (Victor L. Hunter and Phillip Johnson)" reviewed by George W. Stroup, "Unexpected News: Reading the Bible with Third World Eyes (Robert McAfee Brown)" reviewed by Leonard Allen, "Hope and Suffering (Desmund Tutu)" reviewed by Patricia L. Schnapp, and "Forum."



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