

Editor: Dr. Daniel Brannan, Abilene Christian University

Dialogue & Nexus explores the relationship between modern science and Christianity. This may be done by exploring the traditions, practices and doctrines of the church in light of new discovery; by bioethical discussions; or by considering a Christian response to the environment.

See About This Journal for more information.

Current Volume: Volume 4 (2017) Dialogue & Nexus Volume 4 Fall 2016/Spring 2017

Senior Capstone Theses 2017

This is our fourth year of publishing Dialogue & Nexus. More of our students are meeting the high standards for acceptance of their articles into the journal with a 50% acceptance rate this year, an improvement over past years’ volumes. Along with this improvement, the journal is also gaining readers worldwide; the number of downloads range from Australia (16) to China and India (37) to Europe (48) to Russia (18), Africa (9), and the Americas (155). The articles are expected to fit into one of twelve categories: History of Science and Theology (S&T), Philosophy of S&T including intelligent design and creationism, Methods of S&T, Anthropology and its impact on theology, Neuroscience and Genetics impacts, Darwinian impacts on Theodicy, Purpose and Providence in light of a naturalistic view of the world, altruism and morality in light of sociobiology, social justice in kenotic theology, our role in care of Creation, Eschatology in light of science, and Ethics in Christian theology. This issue covers half of these topics: intelligent design, neuroscience and the soul, Darwinian theodicy, altruism and morality, Care of Creation, and ethical theory. From such a meager beginning four years ago until now with 283 worldwide views of our students’ articles, Dialogue & Nexus is an integral part of ACU’s mandate to Change the World.



The Altruistic Self
Nathan Dougherty


The Origins of Morality
Paulina Sanchez