Sewell Photo Collection

Document Type
Photo of John Stevie Sewell as a very young child. He is wearing a white garment. "John Stevie Sewell aged 16 months" is handwritten on the front of the frame below the photo. "J.C. Elrod's, New Gallery, Nos. 142 & 144 Main Street, Second Gallery below 4th, or first above 5th St., Louisville, Kentucky, Every Convenience for Ladies and Children, Best Sky and Side Light in the World. You save from 25 to 150 per cent. by having your Portraits, Photographs, or any thing you wish in the picture line, made at this Gallery. Warranted first-class and to please. Duplicates of this picture may be had at Nos. 142 & 144 Main Street." is printed on the back of the frame.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.