Sewell Photo Collection

Document Type
Photo of the class of 1923: (front row) Edwin Martin, Alta Wood "Mrs. Marvin Carr", James Childress, Olympia Klingman "Mrs. Herbert Sikes", Marrine Nesbett "Mrs. Auldon Wade", Ivan H. Hensley, Bro. R.C. Bell. (second row) Jesse Ouerton, Ruth Ratliff "Mrs. Thornton Aldredge", Gustus Dunn, NOrman Parks, Alonzo Williams, Edith Ratliff "Mrs. William Gunn", Orvil Fish, Reece Rogers. (back row) Richard Overton, Byrd Ray Lewis, Vera Ray "Mrs. Bernard Boone", Warren Mansur - behind Vera Ray -, George Klingman, Palmer Craig, Bernice McFarland "Burnett", Margie English, S.C. Wall, Bruce Curry, Homer Maner, Aldredge Mason, Virgil Smith, Shelby Smith.
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