The Stone-Campbell and associated movements from their beginning harnessed the power of the printing press to advocate for religious freedom and theological reform. James O'Kelly in Virginia and North Carolina, Abner Jones and Elias Smith in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, Barton W. Stone in Kentucky and Tennessee, and Thomas and Alexander Campbell with Walter Scott across the Ohio Valley and the Western Reserve employed a steady stream of published tracts, periodicals and books to advance their causes.
This series hosts published books and tracts by, from or about these movements, their leaders, shapers, adherents, principles, and values. Each item is available in full-text PDF download. They are arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name or by the first word in cases of corporate authorship (such as American Christian Missionary Society). Use the search box to your left to find items by title, author or keyword.
Depending on the nature of your internet connection, the larger files will take longer to download. However, each item has a preview available on the item page. If you notice problems such as missing files or missing pages, please contact Mac Ice -, or 325.674.2144.
The Church of The New Testament or The Church of Christ According to the New Testament Scriptures
Clarence A. Westapher
1950 -
The Glory And Dignity of the Church Christ Established According to the New Testament Scriptures
Clarence A. Westapher
1950 -
¡Bienvenido!: ¡Lo recibimos con los brazos abiertos y apreciamos mucho su deseo de estudiar la Palabra de Dios!
Western Christian Foundation
1970 -
Who Are The Christian Churches And What Do We Believe?
R. Frederick West and William Garrett West
1956 -
Why We Sing In The Worship And Do Not Play
Lloyd Smith White
1930A pamphlet answering the question of why Churches of Christ do not use instruments in their worship services, using Biblical texts and church history to support his arguments.
The Sermons of R. C. White
R. C. White
1945A collection of sermon notes from the preacher R. C. White. Contains foreword, introduction, notes on 101 sermons, and notes on funerals and marriage ceremonies. Many of the notes in this book contain sermon charts, which are graphic representations of the concepts discussed in the sermon. Often they illustrate various paths and the consequences that follow each of them.
Herbert E. Winkler
1950A pamphlet containing a series of essays by Herbert E. Winkler about the role of elders in the Church of Christ. Contents include "Their Need In The Church," "The Authority For Them," "Their Qualifications," and more.
Wanted! Bible Information Wanted, Who Can Find It?
J. S. Winston
1940An undated leaflet, printed only on the verso, by J. S. Winston ca. 1930s-1940s designed to arouse interest in Biblical study and Christian doctrine. By 1945 Winston preached for Churches of Christ in Longview, Sherman and Fort Worth, Texas and Langston, Guthrie and Ardmore, Oklahoma. For biographical information about Winston see Annie C. Tuggle, Our Ministers and Song Leaders of the Church of Christ. Annie C. Tuggle: Detroit, 1945, p. 158.
Denominationalism's Greatest Mistake
Claud F. Witty
1940Subtitle: Where Does an Alien, Penitent Sinner Make a Connection With God and Receive the Forgiveness of Sins?