The Stone-Campbell and associated movements from their beginning harnessed the power of the printing press to advocate for religious freedom and theological reform. James O'Kelly in Virginia and North Carolina, Abner Jones and Elias Smith in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, Barton W. Stone in Kentucky and Tennessee, and Thomas and Alexander Campbell with Walter Scott across the Ohio Valley and the Western Reserve employed a steady stream of published tracts, periodicals and books to advance their causes.
This series hosts published books and tracts by, from or about these movements, their leaders, shapers, adherents, principles, and values. Each item is available in full-text PDF download. They are arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name or by the first word in cases of corporate authorship (such as American Christian Missionary Society). Use the search box to your left to find items by title, author or keyword.
Depending on the nature of your internet connection, the larger files will take longer to download. However, each item has a preview available on the item page. If you notice problems such as missing files or missing pages, please contact Mac Ice -, or 325.674.2144.
Herald of Truth International Volume 1
Highland Church of Christ
5-1974A collection of issues of Herald of Truth International, a periodical by the Highland Church of Christ. Six issues from July 1973 to May/June 1974. The contents of the periodicals have to do with international missionary work done by Churches of Christ, Highland's "Heartbeat" radio program, and other outreach ministries.
Herald of Truth International Volume 2
Highland Church of Christ
6-1975A collection of issues of Herald of Truth International, a periodical by the Highland Church of Christ. Six issues from June/July 1974 to May/June 1975. The contents of the periodicals have to do with international missionary work done by Churches of Christ, Highland's "Heartbeat" radio program, and other outreach ministries.
An Autobiography of Abner Hill, Pioneer Preacher of Tennessee, Alabama and Texas
Abner Hill
1861Typescript, [1] + 43 + [2] pages. Index at rear. "The foregoing was copied from a typewritten copy which was given me [R. Voyt Hill] by J.B. Hill, President L. & N.R.R. Company, Louisville, Kentucky. He was a first cousin to Abner Hill. He copied direct from the original.--The original was written about 1861"--Leaf 27. For this reason this item is dated at 1861, but the typescript dates from considerably later. The item presented here is a photocopy of the original typescript.
The History of the Kamitomizaka Church of Christ in Tokyo, Japan
Yunosuke Hiratsuka and Bunkichi Iwahashi
1952This text provides information on some of the earliest mission efforts by American missionaries J. M. McCaleb, William J. Bishop, and Clara Bishop. It narrates some of the earliest history of the congregations they planted and provides biographical information about some of their first converts. This document is from the Joe L. Cannon Papers/
African Missions of the Church of Christ in Northern Rhodesia
[Alvin Hobby]
1945A pamphlet detailing several of the Church of Christ missions in Northern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Provides information about mission schools, evangelistic work, and missionaries. Contains black and white photos of African Christians and American missionaries.
The Houchen-Tatum Debate
Hoyt H. Houchen and Ray Tatum
1951On December 26-29, 1950, Hoyt H. Houchen, a Church of Christ minister, and Ray Tatum, a Baptist pastor, engaged in debates on four topics: the establishment of the church, baptism, apostasy, and premillennialism. These debates are transcribed in this book, compiled and published by Houchen. Each speaker's arguments and rebuttals are given, as well as an index of Scriptural references from each speaker.
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Croatian Translation (1994)
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
1994This is the 1994 Croatian translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. Since then, over 50,000 copies have been distributed in Russia, many in response to national radio broadcasts.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Croatian Translation (2000)
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
2000This is the 2000 Croatian translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. Since then, over 50,000 copies have been distributed in Russia, many in response to national radio broadcasts.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Serbian Translation
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
1994This is the Serbian translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. Since then, over 50,000 copies have been distributed in Russia, many in response to national radio broadcasts.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Slovakian Translation
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
1996This is the Slovakian translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. Since then, over 50,000 copies have been distributed in Russia, many in response to national radio broadcasts.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Telugu Translation
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
1996This is the Telugu translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. Since then, over 50,000 copies have been distributed in Russia, many in response to national radio broadcasts.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – English Translation (2000)
Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, TX
2000This is the 2000 English translation of Things That Matter: A Guide to the Christian Faith.
The original version of this book was written in 1991 for a Russian audience to reintroduce the Bible and the Christian faith to a group of very eager readers. It has since been translated into several other languages including French, Croatian, Serbian, Telegu, Hindi and Nepalese. The first American edition appeared in 1996.
This title was originally published in English by Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas (later known as Austin Graduate School of Theology).
Fellowship Song Book: Revised.
International Christian Youth Fellowship Commission of the Disciples of Christ
1948 -
Survey Of Service: Organizations Represented In International Convention of Disciples Of Christ
International Convention of Disciples Of Christ