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This stool is made from 3/4” birch plywood, cut using a CNC router. There are six pieces total: two vertical leg assemblies, two footrests and one top seat. The pieces are designed to fit and hold together without the need for nails, screws or glue. This makes the stool easy to assemble and dissasemble for flat packing. The attached design file includes the scaled vector graphics that will be readable by most CNC machining tools. The design assumes that most 3/4” plywoods are actually less than .75” thick. The design is set for plywood that has an actual thickness of .71”. This ensures that the fit of pieces is tight enough to provide friction necessary for the pieces to hold themselves together.

This stool design is the work of ACU Maker Lab staff as a result of several iterations for size and shape and function. Anyone building and using the stool should find it easy to assemble and comfortable to use and move.

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makerlab, maker lab, makerspace, maker space, maker movement, stool, plywood, abilene christian university, acu

