Campus Location

Abilene Campus

Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type



Teacher Education

Degree Name

Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

First Advisor

Andrew Huddeston

Second Advisor

Stephanie Talley


This study investigated the ways in which growth mindset activities influenced secondary students’ perceptions of their writing abilities and skills. The researcher introduced growth mindset strategies, language, and instruction into two class periods of a 10th–grade English classroom to improve students’ perceptions of their writing abilities and to develop students’ writing skills. Data were collected with pre– and post–intervention surveys, field notes, written artifacts, and individual interviews. The constant comparative method was used to analyze qualitative data to identify significant themes. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. The researcher found the participants expressed improved resilience in response to challenging tasks and a higher acceptance of making mistakes as a part of the learning process. By the end of the intervention, the participants aligned with the principles of a growth mindset, believed they had improved their writing skills, and more strongly identified with the writer identity.

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