Campus Location

Abilene Campus

Date of Award

Spring 5-12-2018

Document Type



Teacher Education

Degree Name

Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

First Advisor

Andrew Huddleston


The purpose of this action research study was to understand the impact of introducing writing into the math sequence of a third-grade class. The teacher-researcher sought to understand students’ perceptions of as well as her personal perceptions of introducing writing into math and how this impacted student achievement. Data was collected through writing samples, assessment scores, observations and reflections, surveys, and interviews. The data was analyzed using the constant comparative method as well as quantitative methods of analysis. Three major themes emerged from the qualitative analysis of the data: process of introducing writing into math, student attitudes and ideas, and developing mathematical understanding. The analysis of students’ assessment scores showed that four students’ achievement increased. This study will enable educators to gain a better understanding of what it looks to introduce writing into the math sequence of a classroom as well as how it impacts students’ perceptions and achievement.



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