Campus Location

Abilene Campus

Date of Award


Document Type



Teacher Education

Degree Name

Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

First Advisor

Andrew Huddleston


The purpose of this study was to explore what would happen when a mood board and social-emotional centers were implemented in a transitional first-grade classroom. The goal was to understand how the students would express themselves after receiving this learning and the student and teacher perceptions on social-emotional learning (SEL). Field notes were taken daily for observation when students used SEL language. Surveys and student and teacher interviews were conducted over a four-week span. These were coded using the constant comparative method, grouping together similar categories in the data to create 16 level 1 codes and five level 2 codes. The study found that there were major differences in the boys’ perceptions of sharing big feelings than the girls. It also found that the students held their personal value highly in receiving the classroom reward incentives and tied a lot of their own emotions to their family's wellbeing.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
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