


Did you see the church bulletin some years ago that said: "Let's keep church and state separate--don't vote for Kennedy"? If you don't see the irony of that statement, put down this issue and wait for a better one. Our attitude toward politics and the corporate body of society has been ambiguous. Since we have done so little real thinking in this area, the editor of this issue thought it appropriate to give somewhat of a kaleidoscopic effect, perhaps reflecting our true situation. Each of the authors was given a general impression of the theme--POLITICS--and told to "go everywhere preaching the word." To put it more truthfully, each was asked to do something that he felt important in the area of our political and corporate life. The result has been a variety of approaches, perhaps not too unlike what would happen if you asked members of a congregation what they think of the political situation (this is especially true if the congregation was made up of preachers, politicians, college teachers, and the others who contributed to this issue.
