
Restoration Quarterly

About RQ | How to Subscribe or Change Your Address | Article and Book Review Submission Guidelines | Advertise in RQ

Restoration Quarterly is devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of New Testament Christianity, its backgrounds, its history, and its implications for the present age. Articles in the journal do not necessarily represent the view of the editor or the corporate board of Restoration Quarterly. The editor is responsible for the selection of material, but the responsibility for opinions expressed and accuracy of facts rests solely with the individual author. Manuscripts dealing with the analysis, interpretation, and application of biblical principles and related topics are encouraged.

Restoration Quarterly is indexed in Banque d'information bibliographique en patristique, Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, New Testament Abstracts, Old Testament Abstracts, Religion Index, Religious and Theological Abstracts, Restoration Serials index, and Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie.Restoration Quarterly is published by the Restoration Quarterly Corporation, P. O. Box 28227, Abilene, TX 79699-8227. Email: restorationquarterly@acu.edu.


To subscribe, please click here.

Subscription Rates (Effective 18 September 2007)

Individual: 1 yr $25.00, 2 yrs $45.00, 3 yrs $60.00

Institution: 1 yr $40.00

Student: 1 yr $15.00

New Subscriber: 15.00 (1st year only)

(Add $8.00 per year for Canada and $12.00 per year for all other countries outside U.S.)

To subscribe to the print journal or to change your address for a print subscription, please click here.


Contributors should submit the article as an electronic copy that is PC compatible (preferably MS Word) and a pdf. In addition, a 100-150 word, single-paragraph summary and a brief biographical sketch should be included. Manuscripts should follow the Quarterly's customary style (The Chicago Manual of Style and The SBL Handbook of Style) and should be typed and double-spaced, using a unicode font (including words that do not use the Latin alphabet). Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Submissions are to be sent to: Editor, Restoration Quarterly, P.O. Box 28227, Abilene, TX 79699-8227. Email: thompsonja@acu.edu.

All manuscripts, books for review, and communications regarding editorial matters should be addressed to James Thompson, Editor, at thompsonja@acu.edu. Change of address notices, undeliverable copies, and all correspondence regarding subscriptions, single-copy orders, and sets should be addressed to Carolyn Thompson, Circulation Manager, at thompsonc@acu.edu.

Book Review Submission Guidelines

  1. Restoration Quarterly currently publishes two types of reviews.
  2. a. Shorter reviews of around 400 words. These reviews should state clearly what the book tries to accomplish, something of its contents, its strengths and weaknesses, and the audience it will most benefit.
  3. b. Featured reviews of around 800 words. These reviews cover books that are of special importance in their field or hold special relevance to our readers. They should address the same concerns as the shorter reviews. In addition, they can deal at greater length with issues of method. They should put the book in the larger context of its field, or perhaps relate the issues it raises to the heritage of the Stone-Campbell movement.
  4. Send reviews in Word (PC compatible).
  5. Type the bibliographical information at the top of the first page using the following format: Title (Italicize), by Author or Editor(s) in upper case. Publisher location: publisher, year. 000 pp. $00.00. For example: Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels, by CRAIG S. KEENER. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019. 743 pp. $54.99.
  6. Type your name and the location of your institution at the end of the review as follows: Harding University JOAN B. DOE
  7. Please proofread your review carefully, paying attention to proper names, technical terms, dates, and numbers. We will edit your review for grammar and style. No footnotes please.
  8. Please try to keep your review within the assigned length. Many reviewers will wish they could write a longer review, but such limits will help us cover as many books as possible. If your review is too long, we will shorten it or return it to you for trimming.

Please send reviews to:

Dr. Samjung Kang-Hamilton


ACU Box 29408

Abilene, TX 79699


Restoration Quarterly is optimal as a select consumer base for biblical and theological advertisements. Restoration Quarterly is read in approximately 26 countries by close to 1,000 subscribers. Of that number almost 200 are libraries.


The current rate for advertising a single full-page advertisement is $150.00 per quarter. The cost for a single half-page advertisement is $80.00 per quarter. The size of the full-page ad is 4.5" wide by 7.5" high, and the half page is 4.5 " wide by 3.2" high.

The following dates are deadlines for camera-ready advertising copy:

First Quarter: November 15

Second Quarter: February 15

Third Quarter: May 15

Fourth Quarter: August 15

Further questions can be directed to Carolyn Thompson, Circulation Manager, at thompsonc@acu.edu.