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Abstract provided by interviewer Samantha Butke.

Marisue Meyer attended Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas in the 1960s. Abilene Christian prides itself on providing a Christian education to all of its students and has a reputation of students meeting their future husbands, wives, or partners while at school. Marisue explains her dorm life at Abilene Christian University, the expectations of women at the time, her education, and her experience growing up. She explains the rules dormitories at ACU had while she was a student there and how it related to dating, she also goes into the role women were expected to take on in marriage and outside of marriage. Marisue also goes into her education and how she admired her female teachers’ examples, she also explains how technology has changed some aspects of everyday life, and marisue explains how she is not, what is considered to be a “typical woman” and how that may or may not have affected her in the past or present. She explains some of her philosophy on life and how when times change, you have to change with them, she also goes into self-confidence as she gives advice to the next generation of ACU women students.

This interview provides a primary source on ACU’s student life, the gendered expectations of the time, how things were done, what was taught at the time, what was thought of at the time, and how things have changed over time. It provides a non-typical woman’s outlook of women’s role in society and how, who she was as a woman was not affected by outside influences.


The ACC/ACU Gender and Sexuality Project preserves firsthand accounts of alumni of Abilene Christian College (later Abilene Christian University), with particular attention to how students, faculty, and staff have experienced issues of gender and sexuality during their time at the institution. The collection began in Fall 2019 as a class project in HIST 340, Historical Perspectives on Gender and Sexualities.
