Campus Location

Dallas Campus (Online)

Date of Award



Document Type



Organizational Leadership

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

John McIntyre

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Amy Barrios

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Mark Weatherly


A comprehensive analysis is necessary to determine the cause of and solutions for the rate of K12 teacher attrition in the United States. Researchers have sought to understand the root causes of attrition or the institutional factors that influence teachers to voluntarily change professions. The most frequently identified factors include the personal characteristics of these teachers, freedom of curriculum development, teacher autonomy, and resources such as salaries. Evidence shows that this attrition among highly qualified teachers is detrimental to the quality of education, particularly in terms of student outcomes, and substantiates that effective initiatives surrounding remediation of these factors are necessary to address the root cause of many systemic issues currently faced. Regardless of efforts to understand and solve the problem, teacher attrition remains prevalent today. This quantitative descriptive and correlational study clarified the detrimental factors leading to attrition in the school system and educational policies and practices that mitigate the rate of loss of a valuable resource—namely, highly qualified teachers. Keywords: attrition, educational policies, autonomy, work satisfaction, curriculum development, workplace environment, attrition rates, teacher freedom, administrative control

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