Campus Location

Dallas Campus (Online)

Date of Award


Document Type



Organizational Leadership

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Jeff Cranmore

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Sonerka Mouton

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Janet Tareilo


In the last 20 years, there has been a growing emphasis on ensuring high school graduates are prepared for college and career in the 21st century. This is especially true in Texas, a state that has not only instituted college, career, and military readiness (CCMR) policies but has also monetarily incentivized schools and districts for meeting specific CCMR accountability metrics. Although Texas high school counselors and advisors are responsible for ensuring students across the state have access to CCMR information, support, and resources, not much was known about Texas high school counselors/advisors’ self-efficacy as it relates to postsecondary planning or about the barriers these professionals face around implementing CCMR programming. This qualitative descriptive study addressed this need in the literature by utilizing a triangulated data collection procedure, analyzing responses from 22 questionnaire participants across the state of Texas, 11 of whom also participated in semistructured interviews. Data analysis showed that, although Texas high school counselors/advisors believe they understand state CCMR guidelines, inadequate measures of postsecondary readiness coupled with large caseloads, numerous noncounseling duties, and reduced knowledge in noncollege pathway options make it difficult for them to provide the support they believe students need during their postsecondary planning process. This study determined that Texas high school counselors/advisors’ self-efficacy around postsecondary planning could be improved with greater consideration for professional development and qualitative factors of postsecondary readiness as well as improved support for protected individual advising time with students.

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