Blanche Perry Baptistry Paintings Collection

Document Type
Color photograph of baptistry painting done by Perry for the church in Corsicana, Texas (undated). Closeup of painting installed in baptistry. Scene is of wide water, rocks, trees, mountains, clouds, and sunbeam cross. Shows part of baptistry arch framing the painting. Inscription on back reads, "Colors have faded. A golden and rose sunset with rose and mauve shadows and glow on cliffs."
Two color photographs of baptistry painting by Perry installed in the church in Corsicana, Texas (undated). Photographs shows painting framed by wooden arch of baptistry, part of the pulpit, and microphone. Inscription on back of one of the photographs reads, "Jordan River. Mt. of Temptation. This Present Temporal and Eternal Life".
Black and white photograph of interior of church building at Corsicana, Texas (undated). Photographed from back of auditorium looking front. Shows framed double arch of baptistry with painting, man standing at pulpit, arched roof with rafters, backs of people sitting in the pews.