
Document Type
"Attention was good even in the back of the building as the church in Bangkok, Thailand conducted Sunday morning services on June 5. A record crowd of 255 people listened to Charles Davis preach the gospel. Five other preachers also spoke that morning in a three and one-half hour service in which $1,320.00 U. S. was raised in the mission field to take the gospel to fields beyond that are white unto harvest. Preaching the gospel to the whole world is the responsibility of the whole church -- including the church in the mission fields." Members of the Somprasong 4 Church of Christ, the first Church of Christ in Bangkok, Thailand started by Parker Henderson, American missionary from Churches of Christ to Thailand, listen to a sermon during a special worship service on a Sunday morning.
Image Format
photographic print
Resides In
Jimmie Lovell Papers, Center for Restoration Studies, Milliken Special Collections, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
children, buildings, churches, Religious Communities, men, girls, boys, women, Religious Practice