
Document Type
"The Robert Frahm family. Entered the work in Feb. 1966. Still serving in Stockholm. The Frahm family have been active in mission work in the Northern part of the US. for over 10 years. Through their work and the work of some other brethren in Montana I left denominationalism and now am active in the Work of the Lord here in Sweden. The experience of this family has proven to be a great help in reaching the Swedish people. Left to right -- Maredith Ann, Ruth Elizabeth, Myla Kay, Edith M., Patti Jo, Robert C and Stephen Robert." It is unclear who authored the text accompanying this photograph.
Image Format
photographic print
Resides In
Jimmie Lovell Papers, Center for Restoration Studies, Milliken Special Collections, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
children, clergy, family, men, women, boys, girls, Teachers