
Document Type
Esta Fotografia Muestra a Las Ahora nas. En la fe del Senor Quienes Fueron Bautizadas Para la Remision de Sus Pecados y a Adidasas a la Iglesia por la Autoridad de Jesucristo el dia 29 de Dic. de 1968. Los Nomeres son: Sra. Guadalupe Llanos de Sanchez y Srta. Tersa Torres Cruz. Tampico, Tam. Diciembre de 1968. ["This photograph shows our new sisters in the faith of the Lord who were baptized for the remission of their sins and are loved at the church by the authority of Jesus Christ December 29, 1968: Senora Guadalupe Llanos de Sanchez and Senorita Tersa Torrez Cruz. Tampico, Tam. December 1968" Juan Garcia, a preacher from Churches of Christ, stands next to Guadalupe Llanos de Sanchez and Tersa Torrez Cruz, whom he just baptized.]
Image Format
photographic print
Resides In
John F. Wolfe Papers, Center for Restoration Studies, Milliken Special Collections, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
children, clergy, men, girls, boys, women, Religious Practice, Customs and traditions, Indigenous populations