Bill Phillips and Jacob Vandervis, Missionaries to the Netherlands, Haarlem, Netherlands, 1948

Document Type
"Bill & Bro. Van" Bill Phillips and Jacob Vandervis missionaries to the Netherlands following World War II. Vandervis, a native of the Netherlands, was a Methodist until he was converted to a cappella Churches of Christ in the 1940s. In 1946 he went with Bill Phillips, an American missionary from a cappella Churches of Christ, to work in his native Haarlem. This photograph comes from a photo album put together by Katherine Patton, a missionary from a cappella Churches of Christ, during her work in Germany from 1948-1958.
Image Format
photographic print, 9 x 6 cm.
Resides In
Abilene Christian University Brown Library Milliken Special Collections; Center for Restoration Studies; Katherine Patton Papers
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.