
Document Type
"At Bro. & Sis. Ozaki's home in Tokyo. Dr. (Bro.) Takemura made this picture of Yukio Ozaki, their Grandfather, who gave the Cherry Trees to Wash., D.C. He served in Japanese Diet 62 years. Bro. Bixler baptized five of his family. This Bro. Ozaki is now Pilot of Japan Air Line Jets over the Pacific. He used to live with us and helped MUCH in the Lord's cause. He married Princess Fushimi, whom Bro. Bixler also baptized.
Image Format
photographic print, 11 x 9 cm.
Resides In
Abilene Christian University Brown Library Milliken Special Collections; Center for Restoration Studies; Bob Hunter Collection
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Clergy; Family; Missionary work; Political leadership; Government; Politicians