
Document Type
"It is the picture of the 11th baptismal service in one of the new places, on October 19th. Those 23 Koreans (13 men and 10 women) who put the white gowns are the new believers. They want to wash their sins away and become the new creatures. I thank the Lord for them. These new Christians send you friends their thanks for they have the salvation through you friends in America. I hope you friends will understand that these new Christians need the communion set and the meeting house to worship the Lord. Want you help them to have the communion set and meeting house? These new Christians send you a Christmas Greetings. Sanki Hoksei, Korea, Nov. 18, 1938, S. K. Dong" S. K. Dong was the first evangelist from a cappella Churches of Christ to work in Korea.
Image Format
photographic print, 7.5 x 12 cm.
Resides In
Abilene Christian University Brown Library Milliken Special Collections; Center for Restoration Studies; Bob Hunter Collection
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Clergy; Religious communities; Religious practice