
Tapestry: Journal of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Education

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In education, critical shifts and pandemic repercussions have heightened pressures. Women leaders, particularly those of color, grapple with gender and racial inequalities that shape their roles (Sanchez-Hucles & Davis, 2010). This study explores women's leadership experiences, focusing on work satisfaction through a racial lens. Utilizing Resilience Theory, it delves into women's perceptions, employing a quantitative approach through an electronic survey at a women educators' conference. Examining racial categories, the research uncovers correlations between work satisfaction, job fit, commitment, and work-family balance. ANOVA results show no significant job satisfaction differences based on race, while Welch t-test identifies varied responses. Findings illuminate the intricate interplay of gender, race, and job satisfaction, shaped by cultural, social, and personal factors. These results, seen in the context of critical times in education, underscore the resilience of women in leadership roles. Acknowledging these dynamics, especially for women of color, enriches understanding for aspiring women leaders facing diverse educational leadership challenges.
