

Missional interpretation of Scripture offers a way forward for Churches of Christ, which are commonly characterized as experiencing an ongoing hermeneutical crisis. This article traces the contours of missional hermeneutics, introduces its cutting-edge, and ends with practical implications for local churches. In summary, missional interpretation depends on the formation of local reading communities through a rhythm of prayerful, intentional engagement in God's mission.

Author Bio

Greg McKinzie is the missions minister at Stones River Church of Christ (Murfreesboro, TN) and an affiliate assistant professor at Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA). He served with his wife, Megan, as a missionary in Arequipa, Peru, from 2008 to 2015, where he helped launch the Christian Urban Development Association (cudaperu.org). He is also the founder and executive editor of Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis, the manager of missiology.com, and the producer and co-host of Missiology Podcast. In addition to numerous contributions to Missio Dei, Greg has published articles in Stone-Campbell Journal, Restoration Quarterly, and The Journal of Theological Interpretation, as well as Catalyst and Missio Alliance. He is a coauthor with Mark E. Powell and John Mark Hicks of Discipleship in Community: A Theological Vision for the Future (Leafwood, 2020).

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