Date of Award
Spring 5-2018
Document Type
Primary Advisor
Dr. Carson E. Reed
Secondary Advisor
Dr. Royce Money
Committee Reader
Dr. Mark W. Hamilton
The purpose of this project was to implement an Elder Mentoring Program for the Central Church of Christ in Topeka, KS. In the first chapter, the context for this project, the Central Church of Christ, is described. The theological constructs for the project were drawn from The Book of Pastoral Rule written by Gregory the Great 590 C.E. and built upon by the application of contemporary Christian authors, and Biblical examples. The three key concepts taken from The Book of Pastoral Rule are contemplation, pastoral care, and mentoring. The third chapter reviews project methodology and mentoring curriculum. The findings and results of the project are discussed through the collected data in chapter four. In the last chapter, the conclusions of the Elder Mentoring Program are established by reviewing trustworthiness, significance, future impact of the program, and questions outside the purview of this study.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Kitson, Terry, "Elders Intentionally Developing Future Leaders Through a Mentoring Program at the Central Church of Christ in Topeka, KS" (2018). Doctor of Ministry Theses and Dissertations. 33.
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