The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree is an advanced program oriented toward ministerial leadership, with the purpose of enhancing the practice of ministry for ministerial leaders in congregations, non-profits, missions, and other Christian-oriented contexts. Founded in 1987, ACU’s D.Min. program seeks to provide the context for deepened spiritual formation for ministerial leaders, to advance skill development for leadership in faith communities, and to promote critical theological reflection that informs mission and practice.

The dissertation or thesis represents the culmination of the student’s work in the D.Min. program, and incorporates both academic rigor and effective ministerial praxis. Each student identifies and addresses a practical ministry issue relevant to his or her ministry context, develops theological and theoretical frameworks to respond to that issue, and then plans and executes a response.

In December 2014, ACU began uploading D.Min. graduates’ theses to its repository. This collection will continue to grow as increasing numbers of theses and dissertations are uploaded.


Theses from 2024


A Teacher-Development Curriculum: Encouraging Community Discipleship through Faith and Learning Integration at Bracken Christian High School, Denice F. Knight-Slater


Evaluating “GRIT” (Genuine Relationships, Intergenerationally Tied) Groups at the Highland Church of Christ: An Intergenerational Enhancement of Small Group Community Life, Beth Ann Fisher


Incorporating Families Experiencing Disabilities into the Rhythm of Small Groups at Saturn Road Church of Christ, Robby John


Protocols for Enhancing the Role and Value of Spiritual Care Resources in the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, Garrett Harper

Theses from 2023


A Holy Land Guidebook: Cultivating Spiritual Disciplines For Pilgrimages, Johnnie L. Birks


Constructing a Theological Framework That Revitalizes the Missional Nature of Churches of Christ in South Australia, Mark Daniel Riessen


Cultivating Reproductive Small Group Leaders within Southwest Church, Springboro, Ohio, Roger D. Hendricks


Designing a Drama-Based Arts Ministry for the North 10th and Treadaway Church of Christ, Curtis Alexander King


Developing a Program of Well-Being for Coptic Orthodox Clergy in the Diocese of Melbourne, Australia, Abanoub Attalla


Executing Vision: Operationalizing the Vision Statement of Logos Preparatory Academy in Sugar Land, Texas, Jason Henderson


Liturgical Practices for Full Participation: Creating Opportunities for Engagement in Corporate Worship for People Living with Intellectual Disabilities at the Mooroolbark Salvation Army, Catherine Jane Spiller


Missional Renewal in a Large and Established Suburban Western Church, Michael Stevens


Recovering a Missional Ecclesiology: A Framework for Reviving Congregational Mission within the Baptist Union of Victoria, Gayle Hill


Tell Me the Old, Old Story: An Educational Curriculum for Junior Week at Christian Youth Encampment, Justin Lance Simmons

Theses from 2022


An Inclusive Framework for Ministry: Fostering the Spiritual Formation of Children in a Multicultural Church, Jennifer Reinsch Schroeder


Creating an Action Plan to Increase Diversity and Inclusion at Northwest Church of Christ, Kenton Reeves Brown


Designing a Program to Train Elders to Respond to #MeToo Experiences of Adult Females in a Church Context, Jana H. Unruh


Developing Policies and Procedures for Restorative Accountability at Southwestern Assemblies of God University, W. Lance Meche


Developing Practices Within the Lord’s Supper That Develop Central Identity at Queen City Church of Christ, Ryan Russell


Incorporating Wisdom Christology into the Phronesis of Courtyard Church of Christ, Tiffany A. Dahlman


Refining the Eden Community’s Pathways for Shaping Regenerative Christian Culture in the Apprenticeship for Regenerative Culture, Laura Callarman


The Spiritual Care Protocol: Developing Informed Responses to End-of-Life Concerns, Gabriel Fisher

Theses from 2021


Equipping God's People at the Campbell Street Church of Christ, Danny Sorrell


Exploring Missional Partnership Practices Between the Littleton Church of Christ and Her Peruvian Missionary Partners Through Dwelling in the Word, Justin L. Thompson


Theological Practices for Sustaining Community Renewal at Speedway Church of Christ, Kent A. Ellett

Theses from 2020


Adolescent Spiritual Formation: Practical Theology as a Filter for Youth Ministry, Jeremy Smith


Cultivating Virtue: Developing a Guiding Document for Youth Ministry at Cookeville First United Methodist Church, Adam Daniels


Formulating a Communal Covenant for the Elders and Ministers of South Fork Church of Christ, Drew Baker

Theses from 2019


The Practice of Children’s Ministry: Developing a Cohesive Vision of Practice with Church Leaders, Shannon Clarkson Rains

Theses from 2018


A Renaissance of the Visual Arts in Worship for Churches of Christ, Heather Heflin Hodges


Elders Intentionally Developing Future Leaders Through a Mentoring Program at the Central Church of Christ in Topeka, KS, Terry Kitson


Evaluating “Discovery Bible Study” in an Evangelism Program at African Christian College, Floyd Vidler


Practicing the Way of Jesus in the College Ministry at the University Church of Christ, Jonathan Andrew Gann


Spiritual Transformation at Austin Christian Church, David Hooper

Theses from 2017


Learning to Pray the Lord’s Prayer for Spiritual Transformation at Tachikawa Church of Christ, Naoyoshi Fukushima

Theses from 2016


Challenging Students at Fort Worth Christian School to Engage the Economically Disadvantaged in Their Community, James Hensley


Formulating A Covenant Of Discipleship For The Membership Of The Gwinnett Church of Christ, David Chisholm


Formulating an Intentional Curriculum for Spiritual Leadership Development at the West University Church of Christ, Daniel A. McGraw


Implementing Vocational Training at Escuela Quiteña de Estudios Bíblicos, Joshua K. Marcum

Theses from 2015


Cultivating the Practice of Missional Hospitality for Small Groups at West Houston Church of Christ, Kevin Stewart


Evaluating an Oral Draft of Luke 8:4-15 in Uduk, Jeremy N. Harrison


Facilitating a Pastoral Leadership Model for the Ulysses Church of Christ, Warren Baldwin


Fostering Healing through Reconciliation in the Abernathy Church of Christ, Randall K. Carr

Theses from 2014


Developing an Intentional Mentoring Model for Disciple Formation at the Mayfair Church of Christ, Jason Bybee


Facilitating Holistic Spiritual Formation at the Northside Church of Christ in Laredo, Texas, Kirk R. Cowell


Preaching that Leads to Transformation At The North Street Church of Christ in Nacogdoches, Texas, Curtis Barbarick

Theses from 2013


Elder Selection: Engaging the Monterey Church of Christ in a Collaborative Elder Selection Process, Benjamin D. Pickett

Theses from 2012


Extending Story Listening as a Practice of Communal Formation at the Lake Orion Church of Christ, Eric R. Magnusson


The Initiation of Growth-Focused Relationships Involving Healthy Accountability at the Carbondale Church of Christ, Stephen Shaffer

Theses from 2011


Crafting a Congregational Narrative for the College Church of Christ in Fresno, California, Jason W. Locke


Discerning a Vocational Theology of Marriage for the Smyrna Church of Christ, Daniel F. Camp


Engaging Scripture Through Dwelling In The Word At The Newmarket Church Of Christ, Nathan Pickard


Implementing a Discernment Phase for those Nominated in the Shepherd Selection Process at the Cinco Ranch Church of Christ, Aaron Walling

Theses from 2010


Communally Discerning a Covenant of Hospitality for the Care of Children at Westview Boys' Home, Ron Bruner

Theses from 2009


Developing a Model for an Incarnational Ministry at the Webb Chapel Church of Christ, L. Bert Alexander


Totally Devoted: Developing a Holistic Spiritual Formation Course for Western Christian College, Stanley N. Helton

Theses from 2006


Blessing and Sending the Church into the World for the Sake of the World, Using Congregational Blessings as a Missional Enterprise, Michael Harbour

Theses from 2005


Living Waters: An Invitation to Contemplative Spirituality for the Quail Springs Church of Christ, Wyatt E. Fenno

Theses from 1999


Leadership Development In The Christian Church and Churches of Christ In Northeast Nebraska, Wayne Dykstra

Theses from 1995


The Nature and Authority of Scripture : Historical Sources and Theological Engagement for Congregational Awareness and Reflection, Carson Reed

Theses from 1992


A Biblical Program for Building New Self-Love in African American Males and Fathers, Anthony Roach Sr.


Assessing Patterns of Disengagement and Re-entry in Two Local Congregations of Churches of Christ, David Mitchell Malone

Theses from 1991


Leadership in Churches of Christ in Argentina: Expectations of National Christians for the Use of Power by Church Leaders, William Alan Richardson

Theses from 1990


Inspiring a Church to Dream, Jerry Austin Jenkins