Date of Award


Document Type


Primary Advisor

Dr. Tim Sensing

Secondary Advisor

Dr. Chris Flanders

Committee Reader

Dr. Houston Heflin


This thesis addresses the problem of finding a way to operationalize the vision statement of Logos Preparatory Academy. Logos Preparatory Academy (Logos Prep) is a school of around six hundred students located in Sugar Land, Texas. After interviewing some of the school founders and student leadership and examining documents from the founding of the school, it became evident Logos Prep is a school in need of a more efficient and effective way to execute the vision statement of “Families and students making an impact for Christ” through the goals set forth in their Portrait of a Graduate. Using the works of Mark Scandrette and his “Jesus Dojos” alongside Donald Schön and the idea of reflection-in-action, I created a theology of action where belief and action are co-compelling: action compels belief, and belief compels action. I made the assumption that our students and families want to invest in vision fulfillment while also delimiting my project to Logos Prep and our specific vision and Portrait of a Graduate. What Logos Prep needed, therefore, is a method through which invested stakeholders can seek to realize the Portrait of a Graduate. Working with a team selected through purposive sampling, the goal of this thesis was to create an artifact that coded the programs, policies, and guidelines of Logos Prep according to each item’s fulfillment of the Portrait of a Graduate. Sessions included theological and theoretical instruction, group brainstorming, item analysis, and a final group interview. Coding the items and involving the group in a final interview allowed the team to identify areas where vision execution is strong and areas where it may be lacking and also to list future opportunities for further research. I conclude that the artifact aids in communicating how we execute the vision, that there are areas for further research and growth, and that the themes of implicit understanding and need will help guide how effective the artifact ultimately is in helping to operationalize the vision statement of Logos Preparatory Academy.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
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