Submissions from 2004
Taking the Lord's Supper in a Fast Food Culture, Jerry Heiderich
The Day After Christmas, Will Herring
Looking Up: Restoring A Relationship With God, Prentice Avery Meador Jr.
To Whose Timing Are You Tuned, Prentice Avery Meador Jr.
After the Passion -- Where did He Go?, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Practical Plan for Generous Giving, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Agony, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Compassion, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Completion, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Conviction, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Isolation, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Word of Mercy, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Caution: God at Work, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Faithfulness in a World of Betrayal, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Gentleness in a World of Aggression, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Goodness in a World of Self-Help, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Joy in a World of Manufactured Desire, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Kindness in a World of Self-Sufficiency, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Love in a World of Stipulations, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Patience in a World of Performance, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Cultivating Self-Control in a World of Addiction, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Disconnected Faith: A Lone-Ranger Religion, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Does Everybody Really Love Raymond, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Dying was His Reason for Living, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Formal Faith: Jost Going Thru the Motions, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Giving that Feels Good, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
God's Seed...My Soil, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Meeting Jesus in Baptism, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Moving Out: Developing Relationships with Non-Christians, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Open My Eyes, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Private Faith: Playing Religious Solitaire, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Reach Out - The Extension of My Faith, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Reviving Our Love of Grace, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Social Faith: Joining a Religious Club, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Take God at His Word...Permanently, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Blessing of Tithing and Beyond, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Joy of Generosity, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Night the World Changed, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Thoughts on the Cross, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Traditional Faith: Hardening of the Categories, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
When Women Follow God, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Why does God allow Suffering, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Word of Devotion, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Writing My Story, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Your Questions about Baptism, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Submissions from 2003
Promised Land Living, Bob Chisholm and Prentice Avery Meador Jr.
The Crossover People, Bob Chisholm and Prentice Avery Meador Jr.
A Costly Lesson, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Jericho Model for Victory, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Shady Lady Story, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Tale of Two Cities, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
A Time for Decision, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Awe-Full Worship, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Being Real, Not Phoney, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Breath of Heaven, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Casting Rocks or Raising Stones, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Caution: Danger Ahead, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Follow the Money, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Gave Themselves, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Give Me this Mountain, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Give Me Thorns, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Holy Book Divine, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
How do I Relate to Difficult People?, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Influence that Inspires, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Joy, Joy, Joy, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Living in the Shadowlands, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Living on the Edge, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Mr. You Take My Nickel, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Not by Chariots, Not by Horses, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
On the Edge of Life, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Opening the Book on a New Year, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Pass or Fail?, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Possessing or Possessed, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Power of Negative Thinking, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Promised Land Peril, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Remember Me, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Repentance is a Good Thing, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Seeking God's Face, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Staying on the Edge, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Bottom Line - Jesus Christ, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Foolish Fool, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Great Spoiler, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Indescribable Gift, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Last Word on Worship, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Meaning of Life, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Search Goes On, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
The Tyranny of Time, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Tough Love, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
What can an Alter Alter, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
What does Christ Think of His Church, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
When God Fights for You, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Who is that Masked Man?, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Who Said Life is Fair, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Wisdom in a World of Chaos, Prentice Avery Meador Jr. and Bob Chisholm
Secret Weapons, Royce Money
The Power of Preaching, Royce Money and Howard Norton
Submissions from 2002
Myths in Ministry, Bob Chisholm
Seeing the Unseen, Bob Chisholm
Smiling in the Cemetery, Bob Chisholm
The World Thinks We're Nuts, Bob Chisholm