The programs presented here represent the full range of extant programs for the annual Bible Lectureship and Summit programs. We believe programs may not have been printed for some of the early years. For the earliest years we utilized scans of pages from the school yearbook, The Prickly Pear, which listed lectureship speakers names, topics and photographs.

Shown here is the program from the 1933 Lectures, a single half-sheet of paper.

As you peruse this catalogue, you may notice a discrepancy or two in the ordinal numbers in the titles of the programs. For example, the 1954 program is listed as the 35th Annual Bible Lectureship, while the 1955 program is listed as the 37th. The titles of these programs have been described in our database exactly as they appear for the sake of fidelity. The reason for the discrepancies, which exist between the original items, is unknown; it is possible that the root cause was a typo that caused following years' programs to get off-track or a misunderstanding of the Lectureship timeline.


Submissions from 2014


2014 - Earthed: Discovering Our Origin in God, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2012


2012 - 106th Annual Summit, "Intimacy", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2011


2011 - 105th Annual Summit, "Enough: Isaiah 1:11-17", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2010


2010 - 104th Annual Summit, "Aliens & Light: Finding God in the Darkness", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2009


2009 - 92nd Annual Summit, "On The Mountain with God: Exodus Expedition, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2008


2008 - 91st Lectureship Summit, "The Righteousness of God", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2007


2007 - 90th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly: Messages from Micah", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2006


2006 - 88th Annual Lectureship, "Messages from the Gospel of John", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University


2006 - 89th Annual Lectureships, "Messages from the Gospel of John 9-21", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2005


2005 - 87th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Since You Have Been Risen With Christ", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christianity University

Submissions from 2004


2004 - 86th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Come to the Water", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2003


2003 - 85th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Welcoming the Reign of God: Messages on the Kingdom from Matthew's Gospel", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2002


2002 - 84th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Recovering Spirituality", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2000


2000 - 82nd Annual ACU Lectureship, "Unfinished Business: Challenges for the New Millennium", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1999


1999 - 81st Annual Lectureship, "Behold, He Comes!", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1998


1998 - 80th Annual Lectureship, "The Real War: Flesh vs Spirit: Studies in Galatians", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1997


1997 - 79th Annual Lectureship, "Faith under Fire", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1996


1996 - 78th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Church: Who Needs It?", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1995


1995 - 75th Annual Bible Lectureships, "This We Know: Studies in 1 John", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1994


1994 - 76th Annual Bible Lectureship, "A Light to the Nations: Messages from Isaiah", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1993


1993 - 75th Annual Bible Lectureship, "A Changeless Christ: Studies in Matthew", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1992


1992 -- 74th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Corinth Revisited: Studies in I Corinthians", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1991


1991 - 73rd Annual Bible Lectureship, "Praising God: Themes from the Psalms," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1990


1990 - 72nd Annual Bible Lectureship, "Luke: A Gospel for the World", Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1989


1989 - 71st Annual Bible Lectureship, "Christ & Culture: The Problem of Secularism," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1988


1988 - 70th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Missions in Crisis: Challenge and Oppurtunity," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1987


1987 - 69th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Mind of Christ," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1986


1986 - 68th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Living Restoration," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1985


1985 - 67th Annual Bible Lectureship, "What the Church Needs to Hear," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1984


1984 - 66th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Called to be Servants," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1983


1983 - 65th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Lights in a World of Darkness," 1983, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1982


1982 - 64th Annual Bible Lectureship. "A New Era in World Evangelism," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1981


1981 - 63rd Annual Bible Lectureship, "Our Uncommon Commitment," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1980


1980 - 62nd Annual Bible Lectureship, "Until He Comes," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1979


1979 - 61st Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Home in Crisis," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1978


1978 - 60th Annual Bible Lectureships, "Spirituality," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1977


1977 - 59th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Seeking the Lost," Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1976


1976 - 58th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Freedom in Christ," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1975


1975 - 57th Annual Bible Lectureship, "I'm Not Ashamed of the Gospel," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1974


1974 - 56th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Discipleship," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1973


1973 - 55th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Jesus," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1972


1972 - 54th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Church and the Future," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1971


1971 - 53rd Annual Bible Lectureship, "World Evangelism," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1970


1970 - 52nd Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Apostles' Doctrine," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1969


1969 - 51st Annual Bible Lectureship, "God's Eternal Purpose," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


1969 - Poster of 51st Annual Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1968


1968 - 50th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Crowning 50 Years," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1967


1967 - 49th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Lifting up the Christ," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1966


1966 - 48th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Bible Today," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1965


1965 - 47th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Lift Up Your Eyes," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1964


1964 - 46th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Leadership in the Church," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1963


1963 - 45th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Christian and Morality," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1962


1962 - 44th Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Restoration Principle," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1961


1961 - 43rd Annual Bible Lectureship, "The More Abundant Life," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1960


1960 - 42nd Annual Bible Lectureship, "Christian Faith in the Modern World," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1959


1959 - 41st Annual Bible Lectureship, "Unto All The World," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1958


1958 - 40th Annual Bible Lectureship, "God," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


1958 - Special Features of the 40th Annual Bible Lectureship., Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1957


1957 - 39th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1956


1956 - 38th Annual Bible Lectureship, 50th Anniversary, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


1956 - 38th Bible Lectureship, "They Shall All Be Taught of God," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


Poster of the 38th Annual Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1955


1955 - 37th Annual Bible Lectureship, "Observe All Things," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1954


1954 - 35th Annual Bible Lectureship "Overcoming Dangerous Tendencies," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


1954 - Announcement of the 35th Annual Abilene Christian College Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1953


1953 - Annual Bible Lectureship Poster, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College


1953 - The Thirty-Fourth Annual Bible Lectureship, "The Church at Work," Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1952


1952 - Invitation to Members of the Church of Christ, Abilene Christian College


1952 - Thirty-Third Annual Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1951


1951 - Thirty-First Annual Abilene Christian College Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1950


1950 - Annual Abilene Christian College Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1949


1949 - Annual Abilene Christian College Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1948


1948 - Abilene Christian College Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1946


1946 - Abilene Christian College Lectureship Program "Things That Cannot Be Shaken", Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1943


1943 - Twenty-Sixth Bible Lectureship "Jesus The Christ: The Hope of the World", Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1942


1942 - Twenty-Fifth Annual Bible Lectureship "Holding to Eternal Things", Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1941


1941 - Twenty-fourth Annual Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1940


1940 - Bible Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1933


1933 - Abilene Christian College Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, John A. Dickey, W.R. Smith, L.S. White, S.H. Hall, James F. Cox, Don H. Morris, G.C. Brewer, G.H.P. Showalter, W.L. Oliphant, and Chas. H. Roberson

Submissions from 1929


1929 - A.C.C Annual Lectureship, Abilene Christian College, E.W. McMillan, James Childress, H.L. Calhoun, C.M. Pullias, J.P. Sewell, W.F. Ledlow, F.B. Shepherd, C.A. Norred, J.L. Hines, J.B. Nelson, and W.N. Short

Submissions from 1928


1928 - A.C.C. Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, C.M. Pullias

Submissions from 1927


1927 - A.C.C Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, J.P. Sewll, Hall, Kercheville, Campbell, Etter, Nichol, Smithson, Whiteside, Hockaday, Bell, Brooks, and Calhoun

Submissions from 1925


1925 - A.C.C Bible Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, L.G. Kennamer, John C. Taylor, M.C. Cuthbertson, W.B. Black, F.B. Shepherd, Elmer L. Nichols, C.G. Vincent, W.M. Davis, Silas E. Templeton, Wilbur H. White, A.E. Walker, W.P. Skaggs, John T. Hinds, and R.O. Kenley

Submissions from 1924


1924 - Seventh Annual Bible Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, J.F. Cox, M.H. Carter, G.M. Pullas, E.V. Woon, J.P. Sewell, N.B. Hardeman, Batsell Baxter, E.W. McMillan, Ron H. Laneir, and Charles H. Roberson

Submissions from 1923


1923 - A.C.C Bible Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, G.A. Dunn, E.W. McMillian, B.F. Rhodes, A.O. Colley, Oscar W. Smith, J.P. Sewell, W.D. Campbell, J.F. Cox, W.L. Swinney, F.B. Shepherd, W.D. Bills, and Carl Etter

Submissions from 1922


1922 - A.C.C. Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, G.A. Klingman, J.P. Sewell, John T. Smith, F.L. Rowe, Thos. E. Milholland, J.N. Armstrong, Ira L. Winterrowd, G. H.P. Showalter, C.J. Robinson, R.D. Smith, T.M. Carney, W.F. Ledlow, T.H. Etheridge, Jas. F. Cox, H.E. Speck, and A.B. Barrett

Submissions from 1921


1921 - A.C.C. Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College, H.E. Speck, David L. Cooper, Early Arceneaux, A.R. Holton, Liff Sanders, A. LeRoy Elkins, A.O. Colley, F.W. Smith, W.G. Malcomson, G.C. Brewer, J.P. Sewell, and G.C. Vincent

Submissions from 1920


1920 - A.C.C. Lecture Week Program, Abilene Christian College, R.C. Bell, Jesse P. Sewell, W.W. Freeman, A.O. Colley, O.E. Philips, J.B. Nelson, L.S. White, M.C. Kurfees, Allen D. Dabney, and J.M. McCaleb

Submissions from 1919


1919 - A.C.C. Bible Lecture Week, Abilene Christian College., Geo A. Klingman, H.E. Speck, M.D. Gano, A.R. Holton, J.U. Yarbrough, Cled E. Wallace, G. Dallas Smith, F.L. Young, Jon Straiton, F.B. Shepherd, and Batsel Baxtor

Submissions from 1918


1918 - A.C.C Lecture Course, Abilene Christian College, T.W. Phillips, O.E. Phillips, G.A. Klingman, C.C. Klingman, J.H. Lawson, H.E. Speck, J.P. Sewell, G.W. Cypert, and Liff Sanders