
Tapestry: Journal of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Education

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This article explores the critical factors that led to successful college completion for Black men. By focusing on success factors from Black male college graduates' lived experiences, a roadmap to college success for this group may be shared with others to encourage increased degree attainment for this population. The lens for this study drew from Harper’s (2012) antideficit theory, which highlights students’ successes rather than problematic issues. A non-random approach of purposeful sampling from eight Black men from LinkedIn who had completed an undergraduate degree from a private, predominately White college in the southeast United States defined the sample size. Using one-on-one interviews, participants' internal and external experiences leading up to and through college were revealed. The study will address their academic success in achieving undergraduate degree attainment. The first two categories, pre-college socialization and readiness and college achievement are the focus of this study.
