
Discernment: Theology and the Practice of Ministry

Discernment is a journal of practical theology. In language accessible to the church, it presents peer-reviewed work by scholar-practitioners describing Christian ministry in a broad array of contexts, exemplified by: congregational life; a particular ministry within a congregation (children’s ministry or youth ministry, for example); mission contexts, whether single or multi-congregational; ministry in cross-cultural settings; or Christian ministry in an extra-congregational environment (for example: disaster relief, care for the poor, or care for children and families). See the Aims and Scope for more information about the journal's coverage.

Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 1 (2024)


This issue presents a diverse collection of work. Greg McKinzie's "Missional Interpretation of Scripture" results from his years of engagement in the missional conversation. Bruner and Chancey bring another sample of their study of multi-generational faith families in "A Line of Matriarchs." For some years, there has been a dearth of data about the state of campus ministry in Churches of Christ; Dylan Kirkland connects new data with historical information. Falon Opsahl Barton begins a conversation about the practice of simplicity. In the next issue of this journal, she will continue that conversation in connection with emerging adults. Finally, Chelsea Stirman reviews the second edition of Allen, Lawton, and Seibel's Intergenerational Christian Formation.



A Line of Matriarchs
Ron Bruner and Dudley Chancey