Campus Location

Dallas Campus (Online)

Date of Award



Document Type



Organizational Leadership

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Tracy Spencer

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Ana Gomez de Torres

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Scott Self


In this phenomenological qualitative study, the perceptions of middle school teachers regarding the implementation of restorative practices with their students with disabilities were examined. Exclusionary suspensions have been overwhelmingly employed to handle student discipline, and students with disabilities experience these harsh punishments at higher rates than their general education peers. However, an increasing number of school districts have started to utilize alternative therapeutic methods, such as restorative practices, to handle conflict and build relationships. The researcher’s goal was to understand better the lived experiences of teachers when implementing these practices and understand the challenges they faced while building connections with their students with disabilities. A transcendental phenomenological method was utilized to collect and analyze data from semistructured interviews. The researcher identified barriers to successful implementation and created recommendations for schools looking to introduce restorative practices.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
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