Campus Location

Abilene Campus (Residential)

Date of Award

Winter 1-2017

Document Type



Social Work

Degree Name

Master of Science

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Wayne Paris, Ph.D., LCSW

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Stephanie Hamm, Ph.D., MSW

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Justin Whitely, MACM


In recent years, immigration into the U.S. has increased because of growing economic problems around the world. Economic globalization and technological developments (internet access and the ability to move massive amounts of information and people in a short amount of time) have influenced the number of those seeking asylum. Accordingly, the U.S. school system continues to see an increase in students who are culturally diverse with greater educational deficiencies and limited English proficiency (LEP). In Texas there has been a 90% increase in the number of immigrants from 1990 to 2010 (National CE). This means that currently immigrants make up 14.4% of the total population of the state (see Table 2). Texas has the second largest population of LEP students and graduate students less than half the national average (39% versus 78%) (MPI, 2010). As the numbers suggest, school systems across the country are placed in a situation where these increased numbers must be educated at a higher cost with no increase to their revenue. In particular, AISD has one of the most daunting educational challenges in the region. The question that this work will attempt to answer is to what extent has AISD met those challenges over the past five years.

The research will be a quantitative design using an exploratory analysis using pre-existing data of the AISD LEP program and general student rates compared to the state overall numbers. All data is free of individual information and reviewable from public websites. All results are based on the information obtained and no additional interpretations are added to increase or decrease the averages obtained from the data provided.

Initial findings from the data obtained show a rate difference in graduation rates between LEP students and general students in the AISD system as well as the Texas system. These rates are not comparable in differences but are consistent with the general rate being higher than the LEP rate. The results of the finding do indicate a high need for future research.

Key words: AISD, ESSA, ESL, Immigrants, LEP, Migration, NCLB, STARR,




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