Campus Location

Dallas Campus (Online)

Date of Award


Document Type



Organizational Leadership

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Jeff Cranmore

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Lawrence Davenport

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Mary Christopher


The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to gain more clarity and insight into a distinctive phenomenon of the lived experiences of five African American male professionals in predominantly White institutions in Texas while seeking tenure and promotion. Using interviews throughout the duration of the study allowed the phenomenological inquiry to gain better insight from a personal lens while hoping to find the true essence of the phenomenon. All participants in this inquiry were African American male professionals who served in educational roles and had at least 3 years’ experience serving in a predominantly White institution in Texas. This study has helped fill a gap in the literature and provide a voice for the underrepresented African American male professionals serving in predominantly White institutions while integrating critical race theory was used to debrief White power and discrimination entrenched in the U.S. educational system in examining the higher education system in America. Five major themes were discovered after several cycles of coding: (a) challenging experiences as a professional male of color at a predominantly White institution, (b) peers and tenure, (c) Whiteness, (d) racism, and (e) lack of male professionals of color. Additionally, several subthemes emerged from the data. These themes included (a) isolation, (b) bridgebuilding, (c) tools for success, (d) coping methods, and (e) relationships. Keywords: African American males, higher education, tenure track, racism, male faculty of color, critical race theory, predominately white institutions

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