Campus Location

Dallas Campus (Online)

Date of Award


Document Type



Organizational Leadership

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Dr. Kristin Koetting O'Byrne

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Dr. Leah Wickersham-Fish

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Dr. Robert Hausmann


Every year, many head football coaches at the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision are fired

without cause. The leading factor of these dismissals occurs when the team fails to meet

stakeholders’ expectations of winning enough games. Termination is not only problematic for

the coach, but the team, athletic department, its student-athletes, and the institution, as often a

change in coach does not solve the problem. Many factors lead to a losing season in both

athletics and corporations, including the level of organizational support. In the research on

collegiate coaching, this is an overlooked topic. The purpose of this qualitative, descriptive case

study was to understand and describe NCAA college football coaches’ perspectives on

organizational support received from the athletic director and the athletic department they were

fired from without cause for poor performance, including barriers to and facilitators of success.

Participants were eight NCAA head football coaches terminated within the last 8 years (2017–

present) who believed the cause was not winning enough games. I conducted individual

interviews and administered the 8-item Likert Survey of Perceived Organizational Support to

gather data relating to their perceptions of support from their former employer they were

terminated from without cause. Through transcription and coding, three major themes emerged

relating to a lack of organizational support from their former employer. Insufficient financial

support, a lack of support from the athletic director, and an absence of support throughout the

university served as barriers to success. Additionally, the respondents indicated barriers to

success within the three themes relating to issues with communication, a counterproductive

culture, unsupportive administration, misalignment between university departments, and little

concern for well-being. This research is significant as it identified a lack of perceived

organizational support which served as a barrier to success for college football coachesv

terminated without cause. Based on these findings, it is recommended that athletic directors work

to improve and frequently evaluate organizational support for their coaches through financial

support, communication, culture, and alignment.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.



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