
Submissions from 2024

Perspectives on sexuality, marriage and relationships with Rubel Shelly and Don McLaughlin, Rubel Shelly and Don McLaughlin

Submissions from 2021

Jim S. "Sheriff" Burgess Interview, Jim S. Burgess

Various Clips, Don H. Morris and Walter H. Adams

Submissions from 2020

Memories of the Edwards Ranch - Clarence Jessop, Clarence Jessop

Henry E Speck Jr Reading Scripture, Henry E. Speck

Robert King Funeral, Dean Walling, Eddie Sharp, and Bill Blackstone

Submissions from 2019

Sheila Austin Memorial, Unknown

Submissions from 2009

Henry E. Speck Memorial Chapel, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 2005

ACU and Integration, Everett Ferguson

Submissions from 2001

Chapel from September 11, 2001, Abilene Christian University and Royce Money

Submissions from 2000

A Confession and an Apology at Abilene Christian University (audio), Royce Money

The Apology (video), Royce Money

Submissions from 1999

A Confession and an Apology at Southwestern Christian College (video), Royce Money

Submissions from 1996

Rex P Kyker Funeral, Lewis Fulks, Ricky Kyker, Bob Hunter, Adam Hester, Jimmy Jividen, and John Stevens

Submissions from 1993

Visions Video Yearbook 1992-1993, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1992

Visions Video Yearbook 1991-1992, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1990

A Review of "No Ordinary University" (Part 2), John Stevens

Submissions from 1987

Visions Video Yearbook 1986-1987, Abilene Christian University

Edna Pruett Funeral, Eddie Sharp

Submissions from 1986

Dot Vanderslice Funeral, Abilene Christian University

Gorman Kenley Funeral, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1985

John P Lewis Funeral, John P. Lewis

David Perdue Funeral, Unknown

Submissions from 1983

Verlie Fry Memorial Service, John C. Stevens

Submissions from 1981

Inauguration of William J. Teague, Abilene Christian University

75th Anniversary Celebration of Remembrance, LeMoine G. Lewis, Charles Trayler, and Milton Pullen

Ted Norton Funeral Song, Unknown

Submissions from 1980

75th Opening of School, 1980, Abilene Christian University

ACU 75th Anniversary Pageant 1980, Abilene Christian University

Homecoming Chapel 1980, Abilene Christian University, LeMoine G. Lewis, Don Hall, and William J. Teague

Submissions from 1979

Charles Rhoden Funeral, Anonymous

Submissions from 1977

Ben Hynds Funeral, Stuart Love and Paul Southern

Samuel Parker Floyd Funeral, Unknown

Submissions from 1976

Change of Abilene Christian College to Abilene Christian University, Abilene Christian University

Memories of Abilene Christian College - Roy Martin Estes, Roy Martin Estes and Lawrence Smith

Memories of ACC - Alberta Allen Morris, Alberta Allen Morris

Memories of Abilene Christian College - Loyd Nelson, Loyd Nelson and Lawrence Smith

Memories of Abilene Christian College - Bill Scott, Bill Scott and Lawrence Smith

Memories of Abilene Christian College - B Sherrod, B Sherrod and Lawrence Smith

Memories of Abilene Christian College - Avis Showalter, Avis Showalter and Lawrence Smith

Submissions from 1974

Katherine Roberson Funeral - Music Only, Abilene Christian University

Memories of Abilene Christian College - Al Hayes, Al Hayes

Don H. Morris Funeral, Unknown

Submissions from 1973

Elizabeth Snodgrass Funeral, Abilene Christian University

Arthur M. 'Tonto' Coleman Funeral, Bill Davis, Don H. Morris, John C. Stevens, and Rex Kyker

Hollis L. Manly Sr Funeral, Paul C. Witt Sr, John C. Stevens, and Bob Douglas

Submissions from 1972

Our College - Abilene Christian College Promo Tape, Abilene Christian College

Speeches For the Library, Don H. Morris

Submissions from 1971

Troy Caraway Funeral, Walter H. Adams and Abe Lincoln

Submissions from 1970

About the New Abilene Christian College Library, Abilene Christian College

Inauguration of John C. Stevens: Part 1, Walter H. Adams

Inauguration of John C Stevens: Part 2, Walter H. Adams

Jim S. "Sheriff" Burgess Funeral, Don H. Morris, Rex Kyker, Bill Davis, and Bob Douglas

Submissions from 1969

Abilene Christian College Library Groundbreaking, Abilene Christian College

Luncheon at the Opening of Brown Library, Abilene Christian College

Opening of Leonard Burford Music Center, Abilene Christian College

Opening of School 1969, Abilene Christian University

Bess McKenzie Funeral, Walter H. Adams and Don H. Morris

Howard L. Schug Funeral, Walter H. Adams, Don H. Morris, and J. W. Treat

Don Morris' Last Official Act as President - Commencement 1969, Don H. Morris and Abilene Christian University

Dinner honoring Leonard Burford Music Center Donors, Don H. Morris and Jack Boyd

Jesse P. Sewell Funeral, Jesse P. Sewell

Submissions from 1968

Leonard Burford Music Center Dinner, Abilene Christian College

Opening of School 1968, Abilene Christian College

The History of ACU as the Burford's See It, Jack Burford, Mabel Burford, and Leonard Burford

J. C. Reese Funeral, Don H. Morris and George Bailey

Crowning 50 Years of Lectureships, Jack Pope and B Sherrod

Moody Coliseum Formal Opening Ceremonies, John C. Stevens and Ron Griffith

Submissions from 1967

Opening of School 1967, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1966

Sewell Chapel Singing and Scripture Service, Abilene Christian College

Opening of School 1966, Don H. Morris

Opening of School 1966 Partial, Don H. Morris, Norman Whitefield, Jesse P. Sewell, and George Bailey

Home Economics 50th Anniversary Dinner 1966, Marianna Rasco, Jesse P. Sewell, W. C. Sikes, Alma Morlan, and Lawrence Smith

Clara May Ellis Funeral, John C. Stevens, Carl Brecheen, and LeMoine G. Lewis

Submissions from 1965

Jackqueline Sprott and John Sassport Memorial, Abilene Christian College

Alumni Luncheon - Jack Pope, Abilene Christian University

Graduation Commencement 1965, Abilene Christian University

Opening of School 1965, Don H. Morris

Jesse P. Sewell's 90th Birthday - Chapel 1965, Don H. Morris and Abilene Christian University

Graduation Baccalaureate 1965, Frank Pack

Submissions from 1964

Alumni Luncheon 1964 honoring Lee Powell, Abilene Christian College

Opening of School 1964, Abilene Christian College

Opening of School 1964 - Part 1, Abilene Christian College

Robert Clark Bell Funeral, J. W. Treat, Walter H. Adams, Lawrence L. Smith, and George Bailey

Submissions from 1963

Homecoming Chapel 1963, Abilene Christian College

Homecoming Chapel 1963, Abilene Christian College

Memorial Service for President John F Kennedy, Abilene Christian College

Resignation of Coach Oliver Jackson, Abilene Christian University

Opening of School 1963, Abilene Christian University and Rex Kyker

S.A. Bacon Funeral, Don H. Morris

Submissions from 1962

Opening of School 1962, Abilene Christian College

1962 Chapel Opening, Jack Burford and Jesse P. Sewell

Submissions from 1961

Alumni Memorial Service for Leonard Burford Part 1, Abilene Christian College

Alumni Memorial Service for Leonard Burford Part 2, Abilene Christian University

Leonard Burford's Funeral, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1960

A City on A Hill, Abilene Christian University

Submissions from 1959

Alumni Luncheon 1959, Walter H. Adams, Norvel Young, Don H. Morris, and Lawrence Smith

Submissions from 1956

50th Anniversary - Part of Pageant War Reenactment Scene and Other Clips, Abilene Christian College

50th Anniversary – sound effects, Abilene Christian College

Submissions from 1953

Acapella Chorus sings at the Adams-Boone Wedding, Abilene Christian University