Opening of School 1968

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Opening of School 1968

September 12, 1968.

9:30 AM

63rd Session - led by Pres. Don H. Morris

"All Hail the Power" - led by Bill Davis

Reading of Acts 17 - Norman Whitefield

Prayer - Abraham J. Malherbe

George Bailey - Welcome from the local congregations

Thanks to the M/M John W. Catchings for the new dining room in the Carter Cafeteria. This was the official opening day of the McGlothlin Campus Center, thanks to the McGlothlin family including M/M Hal McGlothlin, Jack McGlothlin, Ray and Kay McGlothlin, Jr., and M/M Ray McGlothlin, Sr.

Greetings from Student Assoc. Pres. Bill Cannon (28:50-35:00)

Introduction of Trustees, Directors, civic leaders and honored guests.

Singing of The National Anthem

Dean Walter H. Adams - announcements

Singing of the Alma Mater

[10 1/2" reel, 7 1/2 ips. Recorded from PA system. This tape does not track well and the first few minutes have some dropouts.]

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