The files presented here represent the full extant collection of audio recordings made of the main theme speeches, individual classes and special events held at the annual Bible Lectureship and Summit. For many years only the plenary addresses and a few theme speeches were recorded. We have a much fuller selection of recordings from recent years. We identify the files according to the labels used on the reel or tape container.
Pictured here is a plenary session of the 1968 Lectureship in the newly-opened Moody Coliseum.
Submissions from 1988
Long-lasting relationships, Willard Tate
Friendship evangelism (I), Harold C. Taylor
Friendship evangelism (II), Harold C. Taylor
Friendship evangelism (III), Harold C. Taylor
Congregation on to missions, Bob Waldron and Glover Shipp
Missions in Bible school, Bob Waldron and Glover Shipp
New life - Missions committee, Bob Waldron and Glover Shipp
Anniversary-Campbell, Earl West
Win. . . souls-care crusades (I), Larry West and Bob Dunklefsen
Win. . . souls-care crusades (II), Larry West and Bob Dunklefsen
Win. . . souls-care crusades (III), Larry West and Bob Dunklefsen
Traditions of Jews (I), Bob Whiddon
Traditions of Jews (III), Bob Whiddon
Understand. tradtions/Jews, Bob Whiddon
Making marriage work (I), Jack Wilhelm
Making marriage work (II), Jack Wilhelm
Making marriage work (III), Jack Wilhelm
Evangelizing deaf (I), Lloyd Williams
Evangelizing deaf (II), Lloyd Williams
Evangelizing deaf (III), Lloyd Williams
Instrumental Music-O.T., John Willis
Preacher burn out/ crisis (I), Lowell Worthington and Bob Mize
Preacher burn out (II), Lowell Worthington and Bob Mize
Preacher burn out (III), Lowell Worthington and Bob Mize
Discipling movement (I), Flavil Yeakley
Discipling movement (II), Flavil Yeakley
Discipling movement (III), Flavil Yeakley
Submissions from 1987
Biblical forum, Lewis Allen
A Jesus with feelings (III), Steve Allison
A Jesus with fellings (I), Steve Allison
A Jesus with fellings (II), Steve Allison
Class/women beyond fear, Fran Armour
Hebrews: Beyond complacency, Fran Armour
Hebrews: Beyond maturity, Fran Armour
Theme lecture when . . . looked into his eyes, Michale Armour
Discipleship in Luke (1), Tony Ash
Discipleship in Luke (II), Tony Ash
Discipleship in Luke (III), Tony Ash
Gods/woman: Choosing better part, Jamie Atchley
Needs restor. establishing priorities, Rick Atchley
Needs restoring encouraging people, Rick Atchley
Needs restoring encouraging problems, Rick Atchley
Theme lecture portrait/Jesus-Revelation, James Baird
Maintaining peace in congregation (I), Robert Bankes
Maintaining peace in congregation (III), Robert Bankes
Maintaining peace in the congregation (II), Robert Bankes
Photography minst. evang. usage. multi-im., None Blackburn
Photography minst. evang. usage. multi-im. (II), None Blackburn
Deaf culture (II), Cathy Blasingame
Deaf culture (III), Cathy Blasingame
The deaf culture, Cathy Blasingame
Medical Missions, H. Glenn Boyd
Great songs revised (i) F. McCann - song leader, Jack Boyd
Song leader great songs/ church rev. (II), Jack Boyd
Song leader great songs/ church rev. (III), Jack Boyd
A Cappella concert, ACU Choir
Dream for redeemed world, Dan Coker
Biblical forum: Decker-Colvin-Greer, Gary Colvin
Evangelism symposium, Panel Conversation
Evangelism symposium, Panel Conversation
Evangelism symposium, Panel Conversation
Mass Communication Evangelism Symposium, Panel Conversation
Mass Communication Evangelism Symposium, Panel Conversation
Christ and culture (I), Mike Cope
Christ and culture (II), Mike Cope
Theme lecture humility: Philippians 2, David Davenport
Teaching deaf (I), Jerry Drennan
Teaching deaf(II), Jerry Drennan
Teaching deaf(III), Jerry Drennan
Discipleship in Matt (III), Ian Fair
Discipleship/Matthew (II), Ian Fair
Making things right things go wrong (I), Paul Faulkner
P. Black-Preach Lect. Restoration History, S.T.W Gibbs
God's woman valey of decision, K. Glaeser
Biblical forum, Colvin Greer
Older women shall be, Anna Griffith
Two faces of women's role, Anna Griffith
What is submission, anyway?, Anna Griffith
Senior Christians beginning cong. program, Buck Griffith
Restoring evangelism, Bob Hare
Restoring evangelism (II), Bob Hare
Restoring evangelism (III), Bob Hare
Religious nationalism (I), Arlie Hoover
Religious nationalism (II), Arlie Hoover
Religious nationalism (III), Arlie Hoover
Lectures on restor. Hist.: David Lips., Richard Hughes
Jazz Ensemble, ACU Jazz
Miracles (I), Jimmy Jividen
Miracles (II), Jimmy Jividen
Miracles (III), Jimmy Jividen
Restoration gospel adv. in rest. move, Furman Kearley
Theme lecture obedience, Furman Kearley
Lec. restor. his. c/c/ during war-states, D. Keesee
Sacrifice of Christ, R. Lanier
Heart, Reuel Lemmons
Mind of Christ-dying to live, Michael Lewis
Old-time sing (I), Gene Linder
Old-time sing (II), Gene Linder
Old-time sing (III), Gene Linder
His majesty thoughts/splendor/J.C., Max Lucado