Content Posted in 2025
34 Amazing Facts About Natural Wonders, Shan Martinez
A Best Friend for Bear, Laura Baker
Academic Advising Staff Turnover at a 2-year College, Torrey Kenuwunn West
A Divided House: The Cause, Curse, and Cure of Religious Division, Arley E. Moore
Advisor Satisfaction to Support Online Student Retention, Erica K. Whiddon
A Higher Calling: How Christian Student Affairs Administrators Integrate Their Faith While Working at Public Community Colleges, Danielle J. Ward
Ahoy!, Laura Baker
American Wings: Chicago's Pioneering Black Aviators and the Race for Equality in the Sky, Cher Ptacek
Animal Superpowers!, Shan Martinez
A Phenomenological Study of Hispanic First-Generation High School Graduates Who Do Not Pursue Higher Education, Amanda Arrambide
A Preliminary Trauma-Informed Guide for School-Based Occupational Therapists and Other Disciplines to Address Students that have Experienced Trauma, Chesney Friesenhahn
A Profile of the "Feeling Good About Yourself" Workshop and Its Founder, Landon Saunders, unknown
Are We Preaching the Gospel?, K C. Moser
Baobab and More of the World’s Most Amazing Plants, Shan Martinez
Barriers Principals Face Integrating Blended Learning in Secondary Schools, Lacey Tremaine Ajibola
Being Safe Online: A First Look, Jewell Fine
Beyond Heartbeat Letters Track #1 with Extra Explanations: Excerpt, Landon Brady Saunders
Beyond Heartbeat Letters (Track #2), Thomas Olbricht
Beyond Heartbeat Letters (Track #3), Thomas Olbricht
Biogeography of Mentzelia thompsonii and related species (Loasaceae)., Joshua M. Brokaw, Gracie M. Granados, Logan A. Browning, Katie E. Howe, Rebecca L. Hunter, and Larry Hufford
Bionic Animals, Shan Martinez
Birds, Shan Martinez
Blue Whales: Nature’s Biggest Mammal, Shan Martinez
Born Naughty: My Childhood in China, Janet Bond
Braided, Becky Isbell
Cactus, Yearbook of Abilene Christian High School (1970), Abilene Christian Schools
Cactus, Yearbook of Abilene Christian High School (1972), Abilene Christian Schools
Cactus, Yearbook of Abilene Christian High School (1973), Abilene Christian Schools
Capybaras: Nature's Biggest Rodent, Charlene D. Bustos
Casting Shadows: Solar and Lunar Eclipses With the Planetary Society, Shan Martinez
Clinical Practice Skills for Incorporating Animal-Assisted Therapy in Occupational Therapy, Erin Wilhelm
Clouds in Space: Nebulae, Stardust, and Us, Cynthia Lackey
Cloudy Days: A First Look, Jewell Fine
Code Name Kingfisher, Pam Blake
Comparing Novice Teacher and School Leader Perceptions in Urban K-12 Mentorship Programs, Shavonne Garner-Price
Counting Candy, Shan Martinez
Depression Speech, Landon Brady Saunders
Developing a Resource Guide for the Texas Occupational Therapy Entrepreneur, Sydney Simpson
Dino-Earth Day, Jewell Fine
Dinosaurs in Boots, Jewell Fine
Dodo Dodgeball, Jewell Fine
Does He Cry With Me?: A Biblical View of Human Suffering, Herald of Truth
Dolphin Rescue, Jan Waggoner
Encouragement for the Helper, Landon Brady Saunders
Encouragement from the Helped, Landon Brady Saunders
Epic Gymnastics Moments, Shan Martinez
Everybody's Book: The Story of the Sarajevo Haggadah, Pam Blake
Explore Desert Habitats with Rosita, Shan Martinez
Explore Drones, Jewell Fine
Explore Forensic Science, Shan Martinez
Exploring the Perceptions of School Leaders and Teachers Towards the Role and Value of School Librarians, Amanda Galliton
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.1 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.2 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.3 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Booklet Draft, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Envelope Draft, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Heartbeat Orientation, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself Lecture Notes, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Miami Audience Questions, Unknown
Fergus and Zeke and the Great Farm Field Trip, Jan Waggoner
Fighting For People, Landon Brady Saunders
First Day, Worst Day, Jewell Fine
Five Ideas: A Declaration of Personal Interdependence, Landon Brady Saunders and Heartbeat
Five Little Ghosts, Laura Baker
Foster Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Texas: An Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors that Impact Housing Stability, Monique Willoughby
Fun with Shapes, Shan Martinez
Fun With Skip Counting, Shan Martinez
Fun With Subtraction, Shan Martinez
Getting Ready for Kindergarten, Shan Martinez
G.O.A.T. Football Defensive Linemen, Jewell Fine
G.O.A.T. Football Wide Receivers, Jewell Fine
Go Forth and Tell: The Life of Augusta Baker, Librarian and Master Storyteller, Laura Baker
Go! Go! Dino!, Jewell Fine
Goodnight Sounds, Pam Blake
Gracie Under the Waves, Lea Ann Stasney
Heartbeat Horizon: Saunders's Presentation to Executive Board of Directors Sept. 2012, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Letters 1-12, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Letters 1-12: Masters With Explanations (Track #1), Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Workshop Media Analysis 1979 and 1980 Workshops, unknown
Heart of the Fighter: Leaders Planning Guide, Landon Brady Saunders
Hocus and Pocus and the Spell for Home, Jan Waggoner
How to Get a Handle on Your Problems, Landon Brady Saunders
How to Love a Kitten, Jewell Fine
How to Make a Picture Book: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide, Leah D. Carruth
Human Commercial, Landon Brady Saunders
Ideas for Silence, Landon Brady Saunders
I’m a Black Hole, Shan Martinez
Improving Outcomes of Depression Through Implementation of Depression Screenings at a College Health Center, Shelby Hanigan
Island of the Dolls and Other Spooky Places, Shan Martinez
It's Not Easy Being a Ghost, Jewell Fine
Japanese Spider Crabs: Nature's Biggest Arthropod, Jewell Fine
Jeremiah and Falsehood, Ernesto A Guajardo
J. McDonald "Don" Williams Papers, 1980-2023, J. McDonald Williams
K–12 Educators’ Use of Technology and Experiences With Technostress: A Case Study, Greg Blair Pittman
K-12 Leaders and Their Self-Perceptions of Social Emotional Learning Competence, Karla De Luna
Landon Brady Saunders Biography for Religious Events, unknown
Landon Brady Saunders Biography (Secular), unknown
Leading the Charge: A Case Study on the Leadership Behaviors of Education Leaders at Title I Campuses in Texas Prisons, Ashley McKelvey
Life That Loves to Happen Image Samples, unknown
Life That Loves to Happen Music, Craig Addy
Making a Life While Making a Living, Landon Brady Saunders
Mamie Tape Fights to Go to School: Based on a True Story, Leah D. Carruth
Max Lucado Requests Letter of Recommendation from Saunders, Landon Brady Saunders and Max Lucado
Mermaid Lullaby, Arlene Stephenson
Molly, Olive, and Dexter: The Guessing Game, Erica Pye
Monster Hands, Jewell Fine
Monster Pie, Jewell Fine
Moose Blasts Off!, Jewell Fine
Nate the Great and the Star-Spangled Parrot, Jennifer Engle
Nat the Cat Has a Snack, Jewell Fine
No Cats in the Library, Pam Blake
Occupational Therapy in the NICU and Caregiver Involvement: The Impact of the SENSE Program, Victoria Dariana Aguilar
Oh, Are You Awake?, Pam Blake
One Day This Tree Will Fall, Leah D. Carruth
Oodles of Poodles and Doodles: A Woofing, Wagging Book of Colors, Pam Blake
Organizational Toxicity: Exploring Factors That Cultivate Toxicity in Air Force Maintenance Organizations and Their Impact on Enlisted Airmen, Bryan Keith Wong
Orris and Timble: The Beginning, Jewell Fine
Our Teaching Service: Being a Study of the Vital Issues of the Question, C W. Sewell
"Out of the Box" Heartbeat Retreat Lecture II, Landon Brady Saunders
Outspoken: Paul Robeson, Ahead of His Time: A One-Man Show, Charlene D. Bustos
Overview of the Results of Fifteen Years of Heartbeat, Frank Barnes
Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm, Ashley O'Quin
Pediatric Slipping Rib Syndrome and Pectus Excavatum: An Occupational Therapy Approach, Haley Bohannon
Penelope Rex and the Problem With Pets, Jewell Fine
Perla the Mighty Dog, Erica Pye
Persistent Reading Deficiencies in Early Education, William Steven Reed
Pizza for Pia, Jewell Fine
Play All Day, Laura Baker
Program Development for Enhancing Cognitive Performance Patterns for Adolescents through Horticultural Therapy, Danielle Ayers
Program Development for Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Autism, Kendall Davis
Quality of Life Programs for Older Adults in Assisted Living, Annelise Moore
Ratty, Sheila Hamlin
Recently Terminated NCAA Collegiate Football Coaches’ Perspectives on Organizational Support Received From Former Athletic Director and Athletic Department, Jeffery John Hancock
Reflections on Follow-up, Floyd Meredith
Report on Heartbeat Response 1975, Thomas Olbricht
Rise of Pegasus, Jewell Fine
Roots, Landon Brady Saunders
Saunders's Thoughts on Proposed New Members of Heartbeat Board, Landon Brady Sanders
Shermy & Shake, the Not-So-New Kid, Janet Bond
Sleepy: Surprising Ways Animals Snooze, Leah D. Carruth
Snowglobe, Ashley O'Quin
Sometimes We Fall, Laura Baker
Somewhere in Between, Laura Baker
Spider in the Well, Laura Baker
Strategies for Success: Developing the HERO Within to Increase Persistence of Community College Students Returning From Academic Dismissal, Angela Cavazos
Sunny Days: A First Look, Jewell Fine
Sunny-Side Up, Janet Bond
The ABC's of Being Human, Landon Brady Saunders
The Beauty of Forgiveness, Landon Brady Saunders
The Dark!: Wild Life in the Mysterious World of Caves, Shan Martinez
The Depression Plan, Landon Brady Saunders and Heartbeat
The Dictionary Story, Leah D. Carruth
The Elephant and the Sea, Pam Blake
The Forever People, Landon Brady Saunders
The Giants' Visitor, Jewell Fine
The Gift of Loneliness, Landon Brady Saunders
The Girl and the Mermaid, Arlene Stephenson
The Hotel Balzaar, Lea Ann Stasney
The Lived Experiences of African American Women in Predominantly White Higher Education Institutions in Texas and Their Journey to Advancement to Tenure, WANDA DYER and WANDA YVONNE CARTER-DYER
The Loneliness Plan, Landon Brady Saunders
The Mighty Pollinators, Arlene Stephenson
The Mirror of Beasts, Becky Isbell
The Mochi Makers, Erica Pye
The Parental Perspective: Experiences and Challenges in Pediatric Feeding Therapy, Amber Brandmeyer
The Quiet Forest, Pam Blake
The Racc Pack, Ashley O'Quin
The Revenant Games, Ashley O'Quin
The Rock in My Throat, Leah D. Carruth
The Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our World, Shan Martinez
The Spice Box, Laura Baker
The Tree of Life: How a Holocaust Sapling Inspired the World, Pam Blake
The Underdogs of Upson Downs, Sheila Hamlin
The World in Our Backyard, Leah D. Carruth
The Wrong Way Home, Cher Ptacek
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Croatian Translation (1994), Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Croatian Translation (2000), Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – English Translation (2000), Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, TX
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Serbian Translation, Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Slovakian Translation, Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
Things That Matter: A Guide to Christian Faith – Telugu Translation, Institute for Christian Studies, Austin, Texas
This Land: The History of the Land We're On, Laura Baker
Tractor, Becky Isbell
Tree. Table. Book, Lea Ann Stasney
Tricky Chopsticks, Pam Blake
Voices From the Field: Mental Health Therapists' Perceptions of Collaboration With Child Protective Services Workers, Tamara P. Fields
West Berry Church of Christ (Fort Worth, TX) Records, 1940-2017, West Berry Church of Christ (Fort Worth, TX)
What Animals Do in Fall, Shan Martinez
What I Want to Do Before I Die, Landon Brady Saunders
What's New, Daniel?, Leah D. Carruth
Wild Places: The Life of Naturalist David Attenborough, Charlene Bustos
Windy Night With Wild Horses, Jewell Fine
Wrestling Mania, Jewell Fine
You're the Pumpkin in My Pie, Jennifer Engle