"Connections: Some Implications of Informal Communication Networks for " by David B. Jackson

Campus Location

Abilene Campus (Residential)

Date of Award


Document Type



Graduate School of Theology

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Committee Chair or Primary Advisor

Paul N. Lakey

Second Committee Member or Secondary Advisor

Charles A. Sibert

Third Committee Member or Committee Reader

Carly Dodd


An integral part of the dynamics of congregational development is the quest for deeper, maturer spiritual life. The biblical image of the church as a body conveys the "oughtness" of such progress, growth being the sure sign of the presence of life. A persistent question exists concerning the "how'' of promoting that search. The thesis of this project is that the discovery and diagramming of informal t communication networks within a church provides an effective avenue through which to nurture the spiritual life of the members. These naturally occurring links between congregants carry less resistance than do formal channels of association. Since this is so, they can achieve a greater degree of effectiveness in nurturing genuine spiritual maturity.

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