Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Evaluating IMR Defined Recovery Outcomes in Clients Receiving ACT Team Services, Ella Crimmings
Comparative Analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy’s Effectiveness in an Intensive Outpatient Program Setting, Efrain Frank Ellin III
A Comparison of the WhyTry Curriculum and Aggression Replacement Training in Adolescents at Risk for Family Breakdown, Grace Taylor
Foster Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Texas: An Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors that Impact Housing Stability, Monique Willoughby
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Goal Setting and Student Retention, Hugh Castillo
Longitudinal Insights into Student Behaviors and Program Impact: A Multi-Year Analysis of Post-Program Surveys Pre- and Post-COVID-19, Brendan Bernard Charles Harmon
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of College Students, Jack Marcelain
Perceived Outcomes and Barriers of Advance Care Planning from Healthcare Professionals, Faith Parsons
Crossing Over: A Description of Dual Status Youth in Taylor County, Texas, Kimberly S. Putnam
Factors that Impact Prevention Therapy for a Person(s) Living with HIV in a Conservative, West Texas City, Madison E. Reyna
Reducing Readmission Rates Among Patients Who Have a Dual Diagnosis of Both Mental and Physical illnesses, Hannah M. Shahan
Positive Psychology for MDD and PTSD: A Systematic Review of Treatment Benefits and Efficacy, Jackson Taylor
Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions, Practices, and Knowledge of Trauma-Informed Care in the Hospital Setting, Emily Gayle Tippens
A Systematic Review of Studies of Self-Compassion Interventions for Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders, Kayla Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Adults With Disabilities: What Factors Create a Successful Transition from Higher Education to the Workforce?, Tiffany Elaine Brown
Burnout and Shared Trauma Rates Among Hospital Employees Due to COVID-19, Cassie Christian
Perceived Benefits of Upskilling and Reskilling by Persons who Are Among the Employed, Underemployed, and Unemployed, Rosalind Marie Evans
Stigma as a Barrier to Military Mental Health Services, Alicea Gray
Retention of First-Generation College Students: Exploring the Effect of Mental Health, Yana sue Hendricks
Child Exit Types and Permanency Outcomes in Foster Care as Correlated to CASA Involvement, Grace Elizabeth Hill
A Systematic Review of Studies Evaluating the Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy for Increasing Well-Being and Decreasing Anxiety and Depression, Claudia Andrea Lasater
Treating Active-Duty Military Members: Best Practices for Common Mental Health Diagnoses Across the DoD, Leah Lawson
The Correlations of Financial Exploitation on Senior Adults Over 65, Carmen Price
The Impact of Mentoring on the Academic Mindset of At-Risk High School Students in Texas, Brittany Nichole Venegas
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Exploring the Prevalence of Social Isolation in Students at a Christian College in West Texas, David Bryan Elliott
Does Offering Social Work Services Via The McKinney-Vento Program to Homeless Youth Improve Academic Functioning?, Ari Rayne Gee
Assessment of ACU Student Behavioral Risk: A Program Evaluation, Rachel Gornitz
A Study of Counties for Big Country CASA Expansion, McKensie Lane Hardin
The Efficacy of a Rapid Rehousing Program Serving Adults Experiencing Homelessness in West Central Texas, Unique Jackson
An Exploratory Descriptive Study of the Bridge Scholars Program at a Private, Faith-Based University, Susan Lewis King
Examining the Experiences of First-Generation College Students Attending a Christian University in the Southwestern United States, Thurmond Derrick Metters
Symptoms of Trauma Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Educators and Students, Leanne S. Parker
A Qualitative Needs Assessment of African Refugee Families Living in West Texas, Benedict Emmanuel Olohunfemi Richards
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
What Interventions Should Be Utilized with Alzheimer's Patients to Increase Quality of Life?, Laci Bach
Potential Roles for Social Work in Supporting Mourning Practices of Non-Dominant Religious and Cultural Groups in America, Stephanie Bergslien
The Benefits of Alternative Therapies on Adult Mental Health, Sara Bryan
Exploring the Relationships of Social Media Usage and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents, Morgan Culpepper
Adolescent Psychiatric Readmission in Rural West Texas, Keila Gabel
A Baseline Measurement of Alcohol Use and Its Relating Factors as It Pertains to Abilene Christian University, Emily Glaze
Needs Assessment: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Christian Higher Education, Abbey Lynn Green
Chronic Pain and History of Trauma, Lauren K. Grizzard
The Effectiveness of a High School Girls Group on Self-Esteem and Leadership, Esperanza M. Harper
Impact of a Diversion Program on Mentally Ill Inmates in a County Jail System, Janet Lawler
Food Security as a Basic Right for College Students: A Descriptive Study of the Factors Associated with Food Insecurity and Higher Education Attainment, Shannon Beatrice Que
A Comparative Evaluation on the Impact of Financial Coaching in Increasing Financial Capability for Low-Income Individuals in an Employment Program, Desiree Sanabria Guadamuz
The Effects of Parental Involvement on Family Functioning of Children in Counseling, Rebecca Schardt
Attrition in a Holistic Job Skills Training Program: A Qualitative Study, Jeaniece Silas
Texas Region Two Crossover Youth Practice Model Proposed Pilot Study, Erin Snider
The Moderating Effect of Social Support on the Impact of Perceived Loneliness on the Mental Health of Long-Term Care Nursing Home Residents, Lindsay Nicole Stivers
A Needs Assessment: Exploring the Unknown Needs of the Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Within a West Texas Independent School District, Amy Grace Weiss
An Evaluation of the Methodist Children's Home GAP Program, Ashten Wiedebusch
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A Population-Based Study on the Correlates of Trauma and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behaviors among Adolescents Aging out of Foster Care., Jennifer Artis
Food Insecurity and Mental Health Correlations and Barriers on a College Campus, Alexandria M. Bisson
Implementation and Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Improve Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing of College Student-Athletes, Haley Katherine Brock
Brand Strength Evaluation of Goodwill-West Texas, Cailyn Byrd
An Examination of Multiple Risk Factors Contributing to Student Dropout Risks Using an Ecological Systems Perspective, Karla Denise Carrasco
The Relationship between Substance Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault in College Students, Erin K. DeOtte
An Exploration of Self-Care in Relation to Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Among Social Workers, Michael Jared Gonzalez
Measuring Current Knowledge of Students at a Faith-Based University about Title IX and Sexual Assault, Hannah Louise Harrell
An Exploration of Factors of LGBT Cultural Competency Among Prospective Healthcare Professionals, Heather Isbell
The Impact Organizational Factors Have on Role Ambiguity Amongst School Social Workers, Melissa Kichura
Outcomes of Mental Health Crises when Mental Health Professionals Partner with Mental Health Deputies, Melissa Kay Murray
Exploring Factors Influencing Refugees' Mental Health Help-Seeking, Frediane Ndikumana
Factors Contributing to Successful Completion of a Holistic Job Skills Training Program, Renee Paul
An Exploration of the Factors contributing to Self-Sufficiency Post-Homelessness: A Detailed Look at Commonalities and Barriers, Ellie C. Roberson
Evaluating the Impact of Training Employees to Identify Victims of Human Trafficking, Emily Roman
Examination of Coalition Sustainability Factors in Texas Human Trafficking Coalitions Through the Lens of the Community Coalition Action Theory, Bryn Stonehouse
Assessing Social Integration of African Refugee Students Resettled in Abilene Texas: A Comparative Analysis, Hayven Tudman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Assessment of Adoptive Families' Adjustment Post Adoption, Madison Allen
The Relationship Between Loneliness, Stress, and Alcohol Consumption Among College Students, I'Esha Baber
Overcoming Barriers: Factors of Resiliency in Refugee Students Pursuing Higher Education, Tamika Braye
A Sexual Assault Prevention Program Proposal for Abilene Christian University, Ammie Brooks and Ammie Kae Brooks
Prevention of Child Maltreatment in U.S. Air Force Families, Amber Ester Coody
A Systematic Review of Rural Veteran Homelessness, Jonathan Fasse
An Evaluation of the Impact of Financial Coaching as a Social Work Intervention in a Church-Based Setting in Texas, Chelsea Fordham
Improving Integrated Care for Medically Underserved Patients at a Texas FQHC using SBIRT and PHQ-9, Irene Fuentes
The Buffering Effect of Mindfulness Between the Stressors and Perceived Stress in Faith-Based University Students, Amber Glantz
A Study of the Effect on Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction of Geriatric Practitioners between Millennials and Older Generations, Peter (Minsuk) Jang
An Exploration of Barriers to Health Care Access among Uninsured Patients: Using the Moderating Effect of Patients’ Enablement, Enedelia L. Jessup
Texas Foster Care Service Providers’ Awareness and Perceptions of Human Trafficking and Related Risk Factors Among Child Welfare Involved Youth, Kennedy Morrison
Anxiety, a Growing Social Problem: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Adela Robinson
The Re-certification Barriers in the United States: Comparing Refugee Professional Credentials to Texas Standards, Mary Beth Shelton
The Impact of Media on the Public's Perception of Texas Foster Care, Hannah Sims
An Examination of the Impact That Communities In Schools' Interventions Make On High School Academic Performance, Coleton Cooper Dean Spruill
Adult Maltreatment in the United States Military, Gordon E. Storey
An Exploration of CIS Interventions and their Impact on Homeless Middle School Students, Kaitlyn Tudor
Drug Use During Pregnancy: The Impact of Maternal Drug Addiction on Infants, Eduwem Turner
Spirituality and Recovery, Sara Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Usefulness Of Collaborative Family Engagement At CASA Of Montgomery County, Chelsea Bankes
The Relationship Between Hospitalizations and Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, Ronni T. Barker
The Effect of Anxiety and Depression on College Students’ Academic Performance: Exploring Social Support as a Moderator, Katherine H. Bisson
Case Study: Healthy Texas Women program in the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District, Saul Francisco Delgado
English Proficiency Associated with the High School Grades of LEP Students in Abilene ISD, Donald A. Dolton