Landon Brady Saunders was born July 26, 1937, in Charleston, West Virginia. He earned degrees from Freed-Hardeman University and Harding University (1959), and attended Harding School of Theology (1961-63).
A primary speaker for the international Herald of Truth ministry – along with Dr. Batsell Barrett Baxter, Harold Hazelip, and Joe Barnett – he was traveling in India in 1970 when invited by Herald of Truth CEO Clois Fowler to create “a daily radio program for those outside religious walls.” He said that invitation “connected with something very deep within me. It connected to the vision that I most wanted: to say something to the world.”
In 1971 Saunders began serving as president of Heartbeat Inc. and for many years, hosted its popular “Heartbeat” short-form program heard by millions worldwide on the NBC, CBS and Armed Forces radio networks. Its headquarters were later relocated to Houston, Texas, and then to New York City. Heartbeat and Saunders's communication style focused on reaching those outside the traditional church environment by speaking to basic human needs and eventually point them toward biblical solutions.
Prior to launching Heartbeat, Saunders served as a minister for Churches of Christ in Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas. In Abilene, he preached at Minter Lane Church of Christ.
In addition to Saunders's radio, TV, and film work, he was a much sought after public speaker. He lectured and conducted workshops for the general public, professional groups, businesses, and churches in the United States and abroad. His messages on solving problems of interpersonal communication, self-evaluation, and coping with personal crises drew praise from corporate executives, college administrators, service organizations, and religious leaders.
Saunders passed away in Virginian on Nov. 14, 2023. Before his death, he donated his personal papers and Heartbeat’s corporate records to ACU’s Brown Library. The Landon Saunders Collection in the Center for Restoration Studies consists of speech transcripts, sermon notes, photographs, books, training materials, personal correspondence, organizational records, and other audiovisual content created by Saunders and colleagues over more than 50 years of ministry.
Source: Landon Brady Saunders Obituary; Landon Brady Saunders Biography for Religious Events
Submissions from 2013
What I Want to Do Before I Die, Landon Brady Saunders
Submissions from 2012
Heartbeat Horizon: Saunders's Presentation to Executive Board of Directors Sept. 2012, Landon Brady Saunders
Submissions from 2011
Filing a Flight Plan for Finishing My Work and Enjoying the Rest of My Life, Landon Brady Saunders
How I Would Like to Spend the Last Years of My Life..., Landon Brady Saunders
"Out of the Box" Heartbeat Retreat Lecture II, Landon Brady Saunders
The Cultural Setting for Churches Today, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Priorities (February 8, 2011), unknown
Heartbeat's Future: Plan A and Plan B, unknown
"What should LBS do with his 'last energies'?", unknown
Submissions from 2010
Heartbeat Restructuring for the Future, unknown
Submissions from 2007
Life That Loves to Happen Music, Craig Addy
Submissions from 2000
Life That Loves to Happen Image Samples, unknown
Submissions from 1998
Saunders's Thoughts on Proposed New Members of Heartbeat Board, Landon Brady Sanders
Submissions from 1997
Statement of Board Member's Responsibilities, Donald F. Beasley and unknown
Submissions from 1996
Letter Requesting Nominations for Possible Heartbeat Board Expansion, Terry Koonce
Submissions from 1995
Life That Loves to Happen Brochure, Heartbeat
Making a Life While Making a Living, Landon Brady Saunders
Religion, God, Spirituality, Landon Brady Saunders
Ten Commandments for Being With Others, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Future Movie version 2.0, unknown
Submissions from 1994
Minutes of Heartbeat Board of Directors Meeting July 1994, Robert L. Baker
Implementation Chart for "Life that Loves to Happen", Heartbeat
Landon Brady Saunders Biography for Religious Events, unknown
Submissions from 1993
Personal Notes "Such creation is all I have...", Landon Brady Saunders
Slides for Community Products, Landon Brady Saunders
Plan for City Outreach, unknown
Proposal for Community Seminars, unknown
Submissions from 1991
Invitation Letter to Linda Thompson to Join Heartbeat Board, Landon Brady Saunders
Letter Announcing New Heartbeat Board Members, Landon Brady Saunders
Five Ideas: A Declaration of Personal Interdependence, Landon Brady Saunders and Heartbeat
The Depression Plan, Landon Brady Saunders and Heartbeat
Drafts and Suggestions for Letter Inviting Nominees to Join Heartbeat Board, Landon Brady Saunders and Tim Minnix
Landon Brady Saunders Biography (Secular), unknown
Submissions from 1990
Encouragement for the Helper, Landon Brady Saunders
Encouragement from the Helped, Landon Brady Saunders
What LBS Wants To Do, Landon Brady Saunders
Submissions from 1989
Bowman Letter in Response to Academy of Ideas, Patti Bowman
Creech Letter in Response to Academy of Ideas, Dan Creech
Academy of Ideas Arrival Day Schedule, Heartbeat
Invitation to Academy of Ideas, Heartbeat
Heartbeat's Evaluation of Academy of Ideas, Landon Brady Saunders
Planning Notes for Academy of Ideas, Landon Brady Saunders
Speaker Notes from Academy of Ideas, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Academy of Ideas Reading List, unknown
Submissions from 1987
Overview of the Results of Fifteen Years of Heartbeat, Frank Barnes
'Never Give Up!' Seminar Coming, unknown
Submissions from 1983
Summary of Planning Meetings for 1983, Gregory L. Ross
Heart of the Fighter: Leaders Planning Guide, Landon Brady Saunders
The Loneliness Plan, Landon Brady Saunders
Certificate of Incorporation of Heartbeat, Inc., unknown
Heartbeat/Media Projects, Inc. Business Plan 1983-1988, unknown
The National Mission, unknown
Submissions from 1982
New Organizational Model for Heartbeat, Chuck Lehnbeuter
Heartbeat Presentation Sample Slides, unknown
Planning Paper for 1982, unknown
Submissions from 1981
Heartbeat's Contingency Plan in the Event of Landon Saunders' Death, Chuck Lehnbeuter
Reasons For Heartbeat To Incorporate, Chuck Lehnbeuter
Class of '68 Reunion, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Heartbeat Orientation, Landon Brady Saunders
How to Get a Handle on Your Problems, Landon Brady Saunders
Human Commercial, Landon Brady Saunders
Saunders Thanks Harding for Alumnus of the Year Award, Landon Brady Saunders
A Profile of the "Feeling Good About Yourself" Workshop and Its Founder, Landon Saunders, unknown
Notes on "Action Plan" for Heartbeat [as for-profit], unknown
Submissions from 1980
Does He Cry With Me?: A Biblical View of Human Suffering, Herald of Truth
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.1 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.2 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Being a Christian: Austin, TX Pt.3 of 3, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Envelope Draft, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself Lecture Notes, Landon Brady Saunders
Fighting For People, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat: A History and Statement of Purpose, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Long-range Planning Position Paper 1, Landon Brady Saunders
Ideas for Silence, Landon Brady Saunders
Roots, Landon Brady Saunders
The ABC's of Being Human, Landon Brady Saunders
The Beauty of Forgiveness, Landon Brady Saunders
The Forever People, Landon Brady Saunders
Feeling Good About Yourself: Miami Audience Questions, Unknown
Heartbeat Workshop Media Analysis 1979 and 1980 Workshops, unknown
Photo of Clois Fowler, unknown
Submissions from 1979
The Boston Plan 1979-1984 [excerpt], Brant Bryan, Darryl Lanker, Chuck Lehnbeuter, and Jesse Markham
Heartbeat Year-end Report for 1978, Heartbeat
Feeling Good About Yourself: Booklet Draft, Landon Brady Saunders
What's Really Happening in the U.S., The Foresight Group and John Naisbitt
Developing the HB System for Evangelism, unknown
Heartbeat: A Radio Program Reaching the Marketplace With the Hope of the Gospel, Unknown
Submissions from 1978
Beyond Heartbeat Letters (Track #2), Thomas Olbricht
Beyond Heartbeat Letters (Track #3), Thomas Olbricht
Depression Speech, Landon Brady Saunders
Max Lucado Requests Letter of Recommendation from Saunders, Landon Brady Saunders and Max Lucado
Submissions from 1977
Beyond Heartbeat Letters Track #1 with Extra Explanations: Excerpt, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat: A Vision of Outreach, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Letters 1-12, Landon Brady Saunders
Heartbeat Letters 1-12: Masters With Explanations (Track #1), Landon Brady Saunders
The Gift of Loneliness, Landon Brady Saunders
Submissions from 1976
"The Crisis", Batsell Barrett Baxter
LBS Personal Notes on 1976 Herald of Truth Self Study, Landon Brady Saunders
Submissions from 1975
Heartbeat Special Edition: Nature of the Audience, Randy Becton
"Heartbeat Has Heart Trouble", Franklin Camp