Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Abilene Christian University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Biopsychosocial Factors of Resilience in the Medically Indigent Adult Population, Kaitlin E. Puckett
Parental Substance Use and the Need for Family Dependency Treatment Court in Taylor County, Rebekah Rich
Grief and Bereavement among College Students, Kaitlin E. Roberts
Middle School and Community Rockford, Illinios, Katera B. Smith
Experiences of Credibility: Female Instructors of Color at Faith Based Universities, Jamilah L. Spears
Intertextual Discourse and the Problem of God: The Intersection of the Speeches of Job and Deuteronomy, James Kipp Swinney
Religiosity and Internalized Homonegativity: The Effect of Religious Conservatism on Depression in Sexual Minorities, Matthew Thaxton
What Are Factors of an Effective Parent and Family Involvement Program Within High School?, Nicole Walsh
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Disciples, Exorcists, and the Power of God: Reading Acts 19:1-20 as a Literary Unit, Matthew R. Anderson
Facilitating a Pastoral Leadership Model for the Ulysses Church of Christ, Warren Baldwin
The Interaction of Community Size and Perceived Local Political Efficacy Among Low-Income Individuals, Dylan Allen Brugman
Fostering Healing through Reconciliation in the Abernathy Church of Christ, Randall K. Carr
The Beauty of Enjoyment: Aesthetics in Ecclesiastes, Mark Andrew Crumbliss
A Spectacle for Angels and for People: A Translation and Analysis of Jacob of Serug's Homily on the Prophet Hosea, Shelby D. Green
Deification, Friendship, and Self-Knowledge, Matthew Hale
Evaluating an Oral Draft of Luke 8:4-15 in Uduk, Jeremy N. Harrison
The Effects of Alpha Stimulation on Induced Anxiety, Nolan Thomas Hill
The Rhetoric of Law and the Epistle to the Hebrews, Theodore A. Holt IV
Against Celsus: Piety in Context, Dustin Janssen
Classical Pentecostal Interpretation of the Gift of Discernment from 1914 to 1941, Stephanie Ann Rose
Cultivating the Practice of Missional Hospitality for Small Groups at West Houston Church of Christ, Kevin Stewart
Theses from 2014
Preaching that Leads to Transformation At The North Street Church of Christ in Nacogdoches, Texas, Curtis Barbarick
Developing an Intentional Mentoring Model for Disciple Formation at the Mayfair Church of Christ, Jason Bybee
Facilitating Holistic Spiritual Formation at the Northside Church of Christ in Laredo, Texas, Kirk R. Cowell
A Ricoeurian Vision: Interpreting the Pauline Epistles for the Narrative Sermon, Mason Lee
Developing a Curriculum for the Training of Pastors as Agents of Communal Reconciliation in Post-Conflict South Sudan, Charles S. North
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Promoting Shalom Among the North A Church of Christ Through the Practice of Slow Reading, Gregory Jack Fleming
God's Welcome: Expanding the Practices of Hospitality at the Friendswood Church of Christ, Danny Mercer
Elder Selection: Engaging the Monterey Church of Christ in a Collaborative Elder Selection Process, Benjamin D. Pickett
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Preparing the Leadership Team to Equip the Church Body for Ministry at the Connecticut Valley Church of Christ, Samuel J. Garner
The Heritage of Pacifism in the Stone-Campbell Movement: A General Study, Shaun Grubbs
Don Carlos Janes: One-Man Missionary Society, Jeremy P. Hegi
Extending Story Listening as a Practice of Communal Formation at the Lake Orion Church of Christ, Eric R. Magnusson
The Initiation of Growth-Focused Relationships Involving Healthy Accountability at the Carbondale Church of Christ, Stephen Shaffer
Theses from 2011
Discerning a Vocational Theology of Marriage for the Smyrna Church of Christ, Daniel F. Camp
Crafting a Congregational Narrative for the College Church of Christ in Fresno, California, Jason W. Locke
Providing Training for the Adult Bible Class Teachers at the Three Chopt Church of Christ, Robert Phillip Odle
Psychological Trauma Amongst Cross-Cultural Nurses, Susan D. Paschall
Engaging Scripture Through Dwelling In The Word At The Newmarket Church Of Christ, Nathan Pickard
Implementing a Discernment Phase for those Nominated in the Shepherd Selection Process at the Cinco Ranch Church of Christ, Aaron Walling
Theses from 2010
Communally Discerning a Covenant of Hospitality for the Care of Children at Westview Boys' Home, Ron Bruner
Understanding Salvation: A Canonical-theistic Approach to Soteriological Theories Applied to the Work of Athanasius and Anselm, David Mahfood
The Case of William Macklin in Nanking: An Assessment of His Mission Work and Theology of Mission, Travis Allyn Myers
More Than Money: Cultivating Authentic Generosity at the Highland Oaks Church of Christ, Timothy W. Spivey
Theses from 2009
Developing a Model for an Incarnational Ministry at the Webb Chapel Church of Christ, L. Bert Alexander
Totally Devoted: Developing a Holistic Spiritual Formation Course for Western Christian College, Stanley N. Helton
Tatian's Diatessaron and the Passion Chronology, Nicholas J. Zola
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Second Baptism and Baptism in Blood as Motifs in the Martyrdom and Patristic Literature of the Second-Fourth-Centuries A.D., Casey Crosby
Transforming Leadership Model for the Denver Church of Christ, Gregg L. Marutzky